My times are in thy hand:... Psalm 31:15
So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalms 90:12
How time flies! It's another Thursday for me to count my blessings and remember afresh God's goodness and mercies to me through another week.
Iris has chosen the theme - Time. I am going to try and focus on how the Lord has blessed with time for various things in the last one week.
♥ Thank God that I am able to take time off from freelance work to rest at home as my health hasn't been good in the past weeks. Thank God for strengthening me and with much rest and breaks, I am feeling so much better now.
♥ Thank God that I can call upon Him at any time and He hears my prayers. He knows what is best for me and will answer my prayers according to His grace, mercies and timing. I am learning day by day to submit to His sovereign will which is always good and to remember that He will answer my prayers in His time.
♥ Thank God that any time I remember Him and His love, my heart is encouraged and strengthened.
♥ Thank God that I can go to Him with my cares and difficulties at any time and He will comfort me with His Words and strengthen me, and guide me in His ways.
♥ Thank God for friends who take time to pray and encourage me. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements!
♥ Thank God for more time to seek and serve Him this week. Thank God that through this time of rest, I am able to have more quiet time and read His Words and pray. Thank God for time to ponder over the goodness of God and how best I can walk with Him.
♥ Thank God for a blessed time of hearing His Words and fellowship last Sunday. Thank God for the encouraging sermon I heard in Church on the Fear of the Lord (Proverbs 1:7). I am reminded that we need to cultivate the fear of the Lord and this fear is a reverential and filial fear. Not a dreadful fear but a fear to offend God. A fear that wants to draw nearer to God and to live a life that is pleasing to Him.
The Lord accepts, blesses and answers the prayers of those who love and fear Him. Those who love and fear the Lord will also depart from evil, put their complete trust in God and need not fear men. They enjoy the fellowship with God's people.
♥ Thank God for time to reflect and see how I have gone wrong in some of my thoughts and deeds recently. Thank God that with Him there is forgiveness of sins. Thank God for time to ask for His forgiveness and to know the assurance of His love and help in my weaknesses.
♥ Thank God for time to have fellowship with a sister-in-Christ, BH, and to catch up with her on Tuesday. We both went to East Coast Beach and had a good walk and fellowship. I love to go to the Beach. Every time I watch the waves and the seas I am reminded afresh of the power and sovereignty of God, and of His love and care upon us. Thank God that we can take time to enjoy nature and recount together the wonderful God we serve and His goodness to us.
♥ Thank God for time to visit an elderly church Aunty to encourage and fellowship with her. BH and I are thankful of the way the Lord has restored this church Aunty through her surgery recently. Her cheerfulness and thankfulness to God is always an encouragement to us.
♥ Thank God for more time to spend with my mum this week and to catch up on some things that I have always wanted to do.
♥ Let us continue to pray for the people in China, Myanmar and other parts of the world who are affected by many natural disasters. Let us pray that in this time of calamities and severe pains and sufferings, many may turn to God and know His saving grace, comfort and care.
I am reminded that our time are in God's hands and we are to live for Him and serve Him daily. I am reminded daily that my life is to be lived for the Lord. In the busyness of each day, I ask Him to guide me so that I may seek first His kingdom and righteousness and do His eternal work. I must serve the Lord and do His works while it is day.
♥ Thanks to all of you for making time to read my post and taking time to write your encouraging comments. Your friendships and writings have enriched my life in so many wonderful ways. Thank God for making this possible. Thanks for your friendships and wonderful support!
How about you? How has the Lord blessed you through the past week?
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you have a blessed and thankful day!
For more participants of Thankful Thursday, do visit Iris at Sting My Heart. It will be a very blessed and spiritually uplifting experience for you!
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