Dear Friends,
Thanks for stopping! Thanks for your prayers and encouragements. I thank God upon every remembrance of you!
Today I thank God for His love and care through all the changing scenes in life.
♥ Thank God that no matter what we go through in this life, He is with us (Matthew 28:20).
♥ Thank God that even the difficulties, trials or afflictions that pained us, are actually working together for our good in God's mercies and providence. (Romans 8:28)
♥ Thank God that He is doing a deeper work in our souls to make us what He wants us to be. God is conforming us more and more to the image of Christ. The process is difficult and painful at times but necessary. This is the only way we can bear fruit for Christ (John 15).
♥ Thank God for helping me to live for Him daily admist the various challenges. Thank God for helping me to learn to see things from different angles and to value what God is doing through them. It helps gives me courage to face every tomorrow with God's strength and trusting in His grace that is sufficient for us (2 Corinthians 12:9).
♥ Thank God for His promise that He will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).
♥ I thank God that nothing shall ever separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:35-39). Thank God for the assurance that no persecution, sickness, natural disaster, poverty, etc etc and even the lost of life itself, will ever separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
♥ Thank God for this encouraging poem that reminded me of God's love and care. Hope it will encourage you too. No matter what you are going through, He loves and cares for you.
My child, I know thy sorrows,
Thine every grief I share;
I know how thou art tested,
And, what is more - I care.
Think not I am indifferent
To what affecteth thee;
Thy weal and woe are matters
Of deep concern to Me.
But, child, I have a purpose
In all that I allow;
I ask thee then to trust Me,
Though all seems dark just now.
How often thou hast asked Me
To purge away thy dross!
But this refining process
Involves for thee - a cross.
There is no other pathway
If thou would'st really be
Conformed unto the image
Of Him Who died for thee.
Thou can'st not be like Jesus
Till self is crucified;
And as a daily process
The cross must be applied.
Just as the skillful gard'ner
Applies the pruning knife,
E'en so, I too would sever
The worthless from thy life.
I have but one sole object -
That thou should'st fruitful be!
And is it not thy longing
That I much fruit should see?
Then shrink not from the training
I needs must give to thee;
I know just how to make thee
What I would have thee be.
Remember that I love thee!
Think not I am unkind,
When trials come to prove thee,
And joy seems left behind.
'Tis but a little longer
Until I come again;
What now seems so mysterious
Will all be then made plain.
Take courage then; and fear not!
Press forward to the prize,
A crown of life awaits thee,
Glory before thee lies!
- Alice C. Lefroy
My child, I know thy sorrows,
Thine every grief I share;
I know how thou art tested,
And, what is more - I care.
Think not I am indifferent
To what affecteth thee;
Thy weal and woe are matters
Of deep concern to Me.
But, child, I have a purpose
In all that I allow;
I ask thee then to trust Me,
Though all seems dark just now.
How often thou hast asked Me
To purge away thy dross!
But this refining process
Involves for thee - a cross.
There is no other pathway
If thou would'st really be
Conformed unto the image
Of Him Who died for thee.
Thou can'st not be like Jesus
Till self is crucified;
And as a daily process
The cross must be applied.
Just as the skillful gard'ner
Applies the pruning knife,
E'en so, I too would sever
The worthless from thy life.
I have but one sole object -
That thou should'st fruitful be!
And is it not thy longing
That I much fruit should see?
Then shrink not from the training
I needs must give to thee;
I know just how to make thee
What I would have thee be.
Remember that I love thee!
Think not I am unkind,
When trials come to prove thee,
And joy seems left behind.
'Tis but a little longer
Until I come again;
What now seems so mysterious
Will all be then made plain.
Take courage then; and fear not!
Press forward to the prize,
A crown of life awaits thee,
Glory before thee lies!
- Alice C. Lefroy
Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings,
and not one of them is forgotten before God?
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear not therefore; ye are of more value than many sparrows.
(Luke 12:6,7)
and not one of them is forgotten before God?
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear not therefore; ye are of more value than many sparrows.
(Luke 12:6,7)
♥ Thank God for a blessed relationship with Him through our Lord Jesus Christ.
♥ Thank God for what Christ has done on the cross for me so that I can blog for His glory.
♥ Thank God for family, church, friends and fellow bloggers. Thank God for all of you.
How about you? How has the Lord blessed you through the past week?
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you have a blessed and thankful day!
For more participants of Thankful Thursday, do visit Iris at Sting My Heart. It will be a very blessed and spiritually uplifting experience for you!
God and I love you my friend.
Nancie, your thankful posts are always so encouraging! Love the poem! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Have a blessed day!
Hi Nancie,
It has been a while since I have been here. You post for today was so touching. I love the poem.
thank you for sharing your heart with me. Have a great TT.
Bless you Nancie for all the scriptures that you shared with us!
Thank you for the beautiful poem!
It ministered to me! May God continue to bring you encouragement
and strength to weather the storms of life!
Tracy told me or asked me if I shared with you that I am a BpD survivor and More Than a Conqueror in Christ Jesus! I was so blessed to come and read your many posts! That is the reason I started a blog but have never shared as well as you have nor presented my victory over this! God bless you for sharing this truth with your readers! May God continue to control your thoughts and moods!
What a beautiful and encouraging post. Thank you.. you touched my heart.
Thank you for visiting my post as well. I look forward to reading your posts again.
God bless.
Lovely, lovely poem and something I needed to hear today. Blessings to you this coming week!
Hi Nancie,
Lovely poem! I enjoyed it. Thinking of you.
Your "attitude of gratitude" is so edifying. Thank you for the positive Thankful Thursday.
Hi,Nancie,thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a wonderful comment. I like your TT post so much which really encourage me because now I am in my time of experiencing him's accompany.
Thanks so much for stopping by today and sharing your kind words... Blessings
You are such an inspiration, Nancie! Thank you for reading and commenting on my TT post - I really enjoyed the poem you posted.
Wow, what an awesome list of Thankfuls! I loved the Scripture refrence's that you included. The poem was beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us! Blessings!
Wow, Nancie. That is a encouraging and very uplifting list of thanks. You have reminded us all what is important. Thanks.
I liked how you included the verses. ROmans 8:28 is one of my favorites. Have a nice day!
What an encouraging post! It is a blessing to share God's Word!
My daughter and grandson have bipolar. Thank you for your encouraging post. I will certainly look around and read more of your posts.
God Bless you dear sister.
This is a wonderful TT list. We all have been abundantly blessed. Thank you for sharing.
Your post always seems to come straight from the heart Nancie. Thanks for sharing the poem. Hope you are having a wonderful week. Blessings to you and Happy TT!
Beautiful thankful post! Thanks for sharing your heart. You always encourage me and for this I am thankful.
Keep pressing on,
Hello, It is nice to meet you. I appreciate your journey. I manage P.T.S.D. and major depressive episodes due to chemical imbalance from severe abuse in childhood. Life is a challenge. I am so glad you are reaching out to others. Ignorance can inflict many a wound and knowledge helps free the broken hearted. Have a powerful day!
Thank you for stopping by my blog. Your thankful thoughts are an inspiration to me. God bless!
What a wonderful post today, Nancie! Yes, God is ALWAYS with us and ALWAYS loving us... how blessed we are!
Thanking God today for you, Nancie!
It's always a wonder to me that we can worry about things even with all of His promises. As you said, look how He cares for the sparrows. Bless you Nancie, and may you be enveloped in His love.
nancie,you've always been an encouragement to me. i am so glad that our paths have crossed. God bless you now and always.
Your heart is just overflowing with thankfulness, thanks so much for sharing. And I love that poem, it really spoke to me and encouraged me! Have a wonderful evening!
Thankful that I stopped by to read your encouraging post. Thanks for sharing the poem, and the scriptures.
hi nancie!
i so love the first 2 on your list because it is what I have experienced this past week :) indeed God is our strength when we are weak!
Have a blessed day!
Nancie, this is a wonderful post that has really encouraged and blessed my heart. I especially love how you listed a verse with each thankful item.
P.S. I am also very thankful for a new medication my Dr. has started me on...called Lamictal, which is a mood stabilizer. It has helped me tremendously!
Wow, your list is very inspiring! I'm looking forward to reading more on your blog! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a kind comment. My brother-in-law lives in Singapore and we've wanted to go visit for quite some time (maybe when the kids are older!)
Thanks again! I think I'll be printing that poem to hang in my office!
Hi Nancie -
I have a younger sister who was diagnosed with BPD two years ago at the age of 18. The last couple of years have been a challenge for our family.
I would love to be able to pray for your more specifically, and would greatly appreciate any advice you might have in regards to my sister.
I love the poem!
This was so beautiful Nancie! I love the poem. Anytime a poem or written "word from God" begins with "My Child" I immediately melt into His love. Thank you for your heart.
There is an award waiting for you at my blog. :D
Thank you for sharing your overflowingly thankful heart!! Reading all those verses is a constant encouragment!!
Aloha Nancie,
I was blessed reading your words of thankfulness, I too have so much to be thankful for. It's an unending praise from my heart and soul.I'm glad I got chance to stop by and say hello to you, I was visiting Edie's blog and saw your smiling face *smile* and I glad I got to read your wonderful words of gratitude.
Blessings Lorie
What a great poem! And I love your gratefulness! Praise God!
What a fantastic post! Just for me today :):) Thank you for your comments and your prayers.
Wonderful post, Nancy. Thanks for stopping by and leaving kind comments on mine.
Hi, Nancie,
I'm the "better late than never" blogger this week!
Thanks for posting that wonderful poem on your TT post. It was beautiful to read.
Wonderful, inspiring post. I see we both quoted one of the same texts.
Nancie what a wonderful list. As I read through them so many of them really touched my heart in thankfulness also.
Just passing by to complete your list to 40 and to let you know that you stung my heart last Thursday. Have a blessed week ahead! God bless you with more things to thank Him for.;)
Dear friends, thank you very much for stopping by and all your encouraging comments. I am greatly blessed by visiting your blog and read of God's goodness to you and your thankfulness to Him. May God bless you always!
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