Thank you for stopping by. I like to share some blessings with you today.
I am thankful to God and to kind friends for sharing with me the following blog awards.
I am honored and humbled to receive them and I give all praise and glory to God.
It is my privilege to share these awards with my blogging friends but is a hard decision for me to choose specifically a few because so many of you excel in these categories too and I feel you deserve these awards as well!
But in complying to the rules of these awards, I am pleased to pass these awards to the following friends whom God has used to be great blessings to me :
1) Gratitude with Attitude Award
I am thankful for Jim's friendship.
I enjoyed reading Jim's posts. He is a man after God's own heart. He likes to share of the lessons he learned from God's Words or sermons he heard or books he read. These are very encouraging as they always reflect His love for God and his desire to walk pleasing to God. Do visit Jim, if you can. You will be encouraged by him too.
I would like to share this award with the following blogging friends whom God has blessed me with. They all love the Lord and have GREAT attitudes in their life. I am learning to enjoy their blogs. I am encouraged by their love for the Lord and sincere desire to walk pleasing to Him. Do visit them and you will be blessed too!
1. Iris (Sting My Heart) - Iris hosts Thankful Thursday (TT) and shares God's blessings and her thankful heart with us. She invites us to join her and count our blessings and share our thankful heart too. It has been a great blessing for me to join TT to count God's blessings and to read of God's goodness to so many others. Do join us at TT, if you can!
2. Melanie (The Fruits of the Spirit). Melanie is a woman after God's own heart. She loves to share what she is learning from the Bible with us. Her posts have many insights and encouragements from the Bible.
3. Sharonb (Quiet Reflections). Sharonb loves the Lord and she writes and share the devotional thoughts or experiences that God is teaching her daily. Her posts reflect her desire to submit to God's teachings and walk in His ways.
4. Tracy (My Cup Runneth Over). Tracy writes and shares the devotional thoughts or experiences that God is teaching her daily. Her desire is to encourage others and share the hope, joy and love of Jesus, through the overflow of her grateful heart.
5) Edie (Rich Gifts). Eddie loves the Lord and her greatest desire is to have Great faith in God. I am encouraged by her love for the Lord and desire to walk in His ways. In her own words, "My greatest desire is to have Great faith in God. The kind that will step out into the unknown and truely Trust Him with all that is within me. I'm not there yet but working on it. "For without Faith it is impossible to please God..." (Hebrews 11:6)"
2) Kind Blogger Award
I am thankful to God for Melanie's friendship and her kind words of encouragements.
Melanie is a woman after God's own heart. She loves to share what she is learning from the Bible with us. Her posts have many insights and encouragements from the Bible. Her love for the Lord and sincere desire to walk pleasing to Him is so evident in her posts! Do visit Melanie and you will be encouraged by her too.
I would like to share this award with the following blogging friends who God has blessed me with. These friends have shown much kindness to me and others through their writing, in prayers and encouragements and in their many wonderful ways. Do visit them and you will be greatly blessed!
1. Darlene (Blog: Stover Lane). I am thankful to God for Darlene's friendship. She prays for me constantly and leave little notes for me to let me know that she cares. God used her and many others during my most difficult moments to let me know that He cares for me. Darlene shares very generously on her blogs when she finds useful information on others blogs or encouraging videos.
2. Jim (Jim's Deep Thoughts). Jim awarded me with Gratitude with Attitude Award above. He has a great attitude himself and he loves the Lord. He writes on various topics and has a compassion for others who are suffering because of what Christ has done for him in his own sufferings.
3. Jennifer (Blog: Child of the King). Jennifer is a sweet and dear friend whom God sends to me. She loves the Lord and she encourages me with her prayers and sweet little notes. Her desire to walk with God and honours Him in her decisions, are great encouragements to me. I thank God for her.
4. Denise (Shortybears Place). Denise has a very kind and loving heart. She is always encouraging others though she herself is afflicted in her health. She loves the Lord and find her strength and joy in Him daily. Her blog is also very sweet, just like her :-)
5. Peggy (Mazes, Messes, Miracles...aMazing Grace). Peggy is very gifted in her writing and I enjoy her writings. She loves the Lord and shares freely her writing gift with her readers and she is generous in encouraging fellow bloggers.
6. Serendipity (Serendipity Park). Serendipity has a very kind and loving heart and she loves to encourage others. I thank God for her encouragements to me and many others.
3) The “Arte y Pico” Award
Sharonb very kindly shared this award with me and other bloggers on 26 July 2008. I am thankful for her kindness and large-heartedness. Sharonb loves the Lord and I enjoy her posts on the devotional thoughts or experiences that God is teaching her daily.
Edie kindly shared this award with me on 31 July 2008. I am thankful for her kindness and encouragements. I am encouraged by her love for the Lord and desire to walk in His ways.
I would like to share this award with the following blogging friends who God has blessed me with. These friends have encouraged me in their writings, creativities, kindness and contributions to the blogging communities in their various gifted ways. Do visit them and you will be greatly blessed!
1. Michelle (Ozarks sew n' sews). Michelle is very gifted in cross-stitch and other sewings. Her blog is beautiful. She is also a very excellent photographer and I especially love to see the photos of her cross-stitch and that of her husband (yes, Jack loves cross-stitch too!) and cute Katie (you will smile too when you see her).
2. AmyDeane (The 160 Acre Woods). AmyDeane hosts Word-Filled Wednesday (WFW) where she shared her photography skills with us by adding encouraging Bible verses to it. If you love to share photos or pictures with Bible verses, do join us at WFW. I have been greatly blessed by the many beautiful photos and encouraging Bible verses posted by the various participants of WFW.
3. Marja (Roller Coaster). Marja loves the Lord and is always hopeful in Him in the face of many challenges in her life. Marja is interested in writing about mental health issues, especially encouraging a more understanding view by the church. In an effort to help her church give support to people with mood disorders, Marja has started a support group called "Living Room". Now she is encouraging groups to start up elsewhere. Marja has been a great blessing, encouragement and help to those who attend Living Room and those of us who read about her experiences there, her books she has written as well as how the Lord helps her to live for Him and serve Him in her various gifted ways.
4. Susan (Wellness Writer). Susan is a writer and she shares generously on her wellness strategies and her own experiences on handling depression, bipolar, handling irrational anger, overcoming fear, and other challenges in life. She has helped many by her sharing and I have benefited too.
5. Serendipity (Serendipity Park). Serendipity is a gifted and creative writer. She also takes lovely pictures. Her posts always make me smile :-)
Here are the rules:
1. Share this award with 5 blogs that you consider to deserve this award whether for creativity, design, interesting material or contributions to the blogger community, no matter what language.
2. Show the award and include the name (and link to his/her blog) of whoever present you with this award.
3. Name each nominee and link to his/her blog.
4. Link to "Arte y Pico" blog so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5. Post these rules.
To each of the recipients above, I thank God for you and the way you and your blogs have been such great blessings to me! You well deserve these awards and so much more!
I am also thankful to God for Colored Heart, Peggy and Serendipity for sharing the following awards with me:
Flower Award
Colored Heart writes very well and I enjoy her writing. She is also a very encouraging person and loves to encourage others.
Awards to share with all
I am thankful to God for the joy and privileges of knowing each one of you, my dear blogging friends and visitors. Many of you do serve the above awards though I am not able to name each one of you. Your contributions to the blogging community have made blogging such a wonderful experience for me!
Your friendships, prayers and encouragements do mean a lot to me. They are tokens of God's love for me and I thank God upon every remembrance of you.
I pray that God will continue to keep you near to Him and make you a blessing to all that come into contact with you, to His glory. May you continue to grow in your love for the Lord and His people.
Here are 2 awards to share with all of you, my dear blogging friends and visitors. If you are reading this post, these award belongs to your too! Thanks for sharing your love and friendship with me and may we continue to pass this love on to others.
Sharing The Love Award
Peggy has kindly shared this award with all her friends. I would like to share this award with all of you, my dear blogging friends and visitors. If you are reading this post, this award belongs to your too! Thanks for sharing your love with me and may we continue to pass this love on to others.
This lovely award is created by Crystal @ Memoirs of a Mommy in honor of Noah and the donor of his sweet little heart who ENCOURAGES us to SHARE THE LOVE ! Thanks Crystal! [Click on Memoirs of a Mommy to learn and read this special love story!] The rules for this award are to pass it along to some people whose blogs you love. They make you laugh, smile, leave encouraging comments on your blog. You would like to share some love with because they have uplifted, inspired, encouraged or prayed for you.
Friendship Award
Serendipity has kindly shared this award with me. I would like to share this award with all of you, my dear blogging friends and visitors. If you are reading this post, this award belongs to your too! Thanks for sharing your friendship with me and may we continue to pass this friendship on to others.
Thanks again for your friendship. Thanks for stopping by. May God grant you a blessed weekends!
Take care.
Hi Nancie :)
I found your blog through Angela's and I just wanted to say that it's encouraging to see that you are open about your struggles (with B.D) and that you are seeking to live for God's glory and be a conqueror! God bless you!
You are so kind, Nancie, Thank You!
I'm glad my very first award came from you, that means a lot to me.
I'll be posting this with a happy grin on my face!!
God bless, my friend :)
Congratulations Nancie!!!!3 at once WOW! Gratitude Attitude, KINDNESS, and ARTE y PICO...Art and the MAX!!!
You see you are More than a Conqueror!
Bless you for coming to visit. Please be sure to add Share the Love to YOUR AWARDS!!!
The 1st award I received before this SHARE the LOVE was the ARTE y PICO Award! I gave it away to 15
more people already. Do you want to delete me and add someone else?
I will still treasure the honor!
I'm so glad that Tracy connected me to you! I am learning so much and
now I have a few more new ones to go and learn from that you listed...most of these I know and agree with that they should be recognized...congratulations to ALL of you!!! See you around the BLOGS!
Bless you, Nancie! Be sure that you are wearing your helmet of salvation!Guard your mind!!!
Thank you so much for the award are a very special and sweet friend, and i am thankful for you..I needed some cheering up at the moment with my depression Ive been battling it today and this cheered me thank you:)I love you my dear and special friend:)
God Bless
I am very honored and humbled, Nancie! Thank you so very much! Your kind and encouraging words are such precious gifts.
Giving all glory to the Lord...
Hello precious sister Nancie!
Thank you for your kind note on my blog. I constantly pray for all those God brings to my blog and pray that everyone will be encouraged and blessed. I sure hope you were!
Your post is so kind and thoughtful.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you better through blogging.
Bless you dear sister,
P.S. I've been praying for you since yesterday and thanking God for the gracious and grateful attitude He's given you! :-)
Thank you sweetie for blessing my heart with this award. I love you, and pray for you daily.
Nancie, Thanks for stopping by my place! Wow! I could read here all day. You have truly blessed my heart today! I will be reading more! Thanks for sharing your journey as you walk with Christ. Praying for you as you reach out to others
Hi Nancie - What a blessing. Thank you so much. I'm off to bed now. Goodnite...zzzzzz
Congrats my dear friend and thank you too. I am deeply honored!
Hi, Nancie. Congratulations on all the wonderful awards you have received. You are certainly deserving of every single one of them!
Thank you so much for shareing the "Gratitude with Attitude" award with me. I am both honored and humbled.
God bless you, my friend!
Thanks for the wonderful award! :) You truly deserve them all! I'm so glad the Lord is blessing us all with his gifts! And I'm so blessed to have such wonderful bloggy friends like you!
Congrats on all your lovely awards, Nancie! You truly deserve them. Thank you for passing it on to me. Truly honoured and humbled.
It's amazing how God place us in each other's life, isn't it? Not by chance at all.
Hi, my visit is so timely! I have a FLOWER AWARD for you. This is just a simple token of my appreciation for being one of the Top 8 Love-Commenters last July. I hope we can continue to visit each other's site and be blessed by God's messages from each other's heart.;) Love, Colored Heart
Hi Nancie,
Thanks for visiting my blog last week.
How wonderful this is to read how many blogs you are touched by. God has brought together an amazing group of people. I love knowing we are all spurring one another on in our own way.
God bless,
Nancie thank you so much for your gift. I love stopping by for my visits here, you are a precious woman of God. I am honored and give God the glory for the way He chooses to use me.
Dear friends, thank you very much for stopping by and for your friendships and encouragements. May God shower His love and blessings upon you always!
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