Ephesians 3
14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,
18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
Dear Friends,
Thanks for stopping! Thanks for your prayers and encouragements.
♥ Today I want to thank God for reminding me once again of His unfailing and enduring love in these recent months as I go through many challenges in my health, work, family, etc etc. I thank God that His grace is sufficient for me.
♥ I thank God for allowing me to experience His love by giving His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to die on the cross to redeem me from sins. I thank God that He is my help and strength daily, and in Him is my hope and joy.
♥ I thank God for showing me His love in forgiving me of my sins daily. I am conscious of my many weaknesses and sins daily, and I thank God that with Him there is forgiveness of sins. As I go to Him for fresh strength and grace for each day, He has never failed to provide for my needs so that I can live for Him.
♥ I am thankful to God that I have the assurance of His love especially in tough times that He allows them for a purpose (Romans 8:28). I thank God for sanctifying me and enabling me to grow in Him at such times.
♥ I am thankful to God for the comfort of His Words and the joy of seeking Him in prayers and devotion daily.
♥ I thank God for showing me His love through my family, friends, church and blogging friends. I have been so greatly blessed by all of you and I thank God upon every remembrance of you. It is wonderful to read of how God is guiding and blessing you in your walk with our Lord and it encourages me in my walk with God too.
♥ I am thankful for this portion of a lovely hymn/poem which I like very much, “The Love of God”. It reminds me of the love of God which is immeasurable.
I love the way the love of God is being described as greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell. It is so true!
And even if we could fill all the ocean with ink and all the skies with parchment, and every one of us is scribe, to write the love of God above would still drain the ocean dry nor could the scroll contained the whole though stretched from sky to sky!
How true! The immeasurable depths and heights of God’s love! It has to be experienced to know what it means and even then we cannot fathom the whole of it!
The Love of God
The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell;...
Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade,
To write the love of God above,
Would drain the ocean dry.
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.
Chorus: O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure
The saints’ and angels’ song.
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure
The saints’ and angels’ song.
May you know God's love in very special ways today and everyday!
How about you? How has the Lord blessed you through the past week?
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you have a blessed and thankful day!
For more participants of Thankful Thursday, do visit Iris at Sting My Heart. It will be a very blessed and spiritually uplifting experience for you!
This was beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing with us! BLESSINGS TO YOU!
Tänia of http://weirblessed.com/faithprints/?p=398
God's love for us ensures us that everything is going to be all right because He is in control. praise God for His guidance, mercy, patience and LOVE for us.
Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade,
To write the love of God above,
Would drain the ocean dry.
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky. This is my favorite part of that poem too. It really speaks of His immeasurable love in a way that brings in home.
I'm finding this Christian community of the blogosphere to be a real blessing too. Great thankful list. Things we all need to wonder over again and again.
This was so precious, just like you my friend.
Hi Nancie, this is a beautiful post! And a beautiful poem! Thank you for sharing it here. Remain blessed!
"How true! The immeasurable depths and heights of God’s love! It has to be experienced to know what it means and even then we cannot fathom the whole of it!"
Oh Nancie, this statement describes it exactly. I have experienced the healing power of God's love this week in my family. It is breaking chains and setting captives free!! And even when we have experienced it, we have difficulty describing it to others!!
Thanks for sharing and for commenting on my blog. I have an aunt with Bipolar (diagnosed) and several other family members with mental illness, drug abuse, and alcoholism. I am just beginning to see God move in a mighty way to provide healing for some of them. I appreciate your honesty and openness in sharing your experience.
Your blog is beautiful, by the way, as I bet Singapore is a beautiful place.
Blessings my dear sister...I look forward to meeting you in heavan.
This poem is so pretty and really spoke to me. I enjoyed visiting you, sweet Nancie. You bless me every week.
Thank you for sharing your post with us all! It is nice to see that God works in different ways for different people - depending on their needs and wants.
God bless you,
Blessings sweet Nancie...how great is the depth of the Great Love of God...truly you have captured and exemplied in your Thankful Thursday
list and that aMazing poem!!!!
I pray that this LOVE of God covers you today and each day to lift your spirit and hold on through the many challenges you are facing. May Jehovah Ropheka
touch your mind and emotions with His healing touch for ALL is well
with your soul ...clearly your soul
and spirit are soaring far above these earthly situations and YOU
dear Nancie have blessed us and inspired us with the strength you are showing to focus on the love of Jesus and not any of the problems. He sees and feels every cry and heaviness with much compassion and God alone is our answer. Your thoughts are His thoughts and that will lead you
to know the plans He has for You.
Great are His ways that surely
surpassess our knowledge and understanding! Beautiful selection
from Ephesians! Thank you for sharing and visiting me.
Thank you so much for stopping today, and reminding us of God's love for us... Blessings!!!
That is one of my favorite hymns too! I'll be singing it all day long. Blessings to you!
So beautiful! His love is everlasting....so amazing...
Thank you for sharing your thankful heart.
Hey Nancie,
As always, your lists are FULL of love and great gratitude for all God has done in your life.
I really enjoyed that poem too.
Have a super blessed day today♥
Beautiful. Your heart felt words and prayer touched my heart today. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing that hymn, Nancie. I've read it before and LOVE it so it was nice to be reminded again.
May our hearts be steadfast in remembering His love!
Thank you Nancie for your sweet words to Jeff! What an encouragement it was to him!
Have a blessed weekend!!!
He has blessed me in a lot of ways although with the week we have had it would sure be easy to get discouraged. I have been more irritable than usual though. I am just so glad God is with us to walk with us through a tough week.
I am just so floored by your post...and the "Love of God" wow!!
Such a wonderful post today. The song you posted is one of my favorites. Thank you for posting it.
Can we fully comprehend His powerfulness and love? With these earthly minds, I think not.
you are a sweetie.
Thanks for visiting me
Nancy, thank you so much for the kind and encouraging words when you visited my blog! What wonderful things you have on your list as well! I can so see your heart and how much you love the Lord! He has done great and wonderful things for us! I so love that song to! I remember singing it when I was little, and it brought back a picture of my dad singing it and how he would hold the notes longer to emphasize it! Blessings to you!
Thank you so much for stopping by my place.
What a beautiful post of thankfulness, today. You blessed my heart, and I am thankful the Lord had our paths cross today.
Such a powerful and encouraging post, my friend. I love your list and truly appreciate your comments on my blog. You are precious in the eyes of God and in my eyes, too!
What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing & stopping by my blog & leaving a comment. I am thankful for the many women that are touching my life daily because of their faithfulness to share what God has laid on their heart.
May God richly bless you.
I am overblessed by your comments you leave!!
Thank you so very much!!
You are a fine example of uplifting and encouraging others in Christ!!
Continue therein!!
Hi Nancie! I love your post! The truth that really gripped me is having the assurance of His love. That is something that some think gets lost during a trial...'God must not love me, that's why I'm going through this trial.' Thank you for this wonderful reminder.
Have a blessed weekend.
Hi Nancie,
what a beautiful post today.
Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
You Bless and remind us God's love for us.
Thank you for coming by and visiting me on my journey.
Your words are an encouragement.
Have a great Friday. See you for Show and Tell?
Beautiful post...what a blessing to read. Thank you for your candor and for your expressions of gratefulness to our God for His endless bounties that are put at our disposal. Let us continue in prayer for daily sustenance.
Hi Nancie, just dropping in to wish you a blessed weekend!
I nejoy reading your thankful thursday entry always. :)
Blessings to you!
What a wonderful thankful list, I like it. The everlasting love from our heavenly father to us is really such awesome that we can completely count on it whether ups or downs. He will lift us up !
Hello Nancie,
What a beautiful and uplifting post, thank you. I noticed in your about me that you are bi-polar. I too suffer from bi-polar it is so nice to find someone who can possibly relate with me. I hope that we can talk and get to know each other better.
Hi Nancie,
I love going around and see thankful hearts of my sisters it makes want to praise the Lord even more. I enjoyed reading yours as well. I look at your photo and see such a joy of the Lord in your face. My sister in law is from Singapore she is a blessing to me. Thanks for sharing your thankful heart today.
Hugz Lorie
I really loved the song at the end. Writing of His love would drain the ocean dry...wow! I absolutely appreciate and am encouraged by the wealth of beautiful women sharing their faith and hearts for the Lord. Thanks for being a part of that.
I'm not well, so I miss Thankful Thursday...but I'm always grateful for Him for everything!
I'd like to say AMEN for everything you posted here!
Nancie, thanks a lot for being there for me...it's so amazing how you have been my rock and comfort since I met you here...
Nancie, I loved what you said about the ink. Thank you for your beautiful comments on my blog. Blessing to you too.
How beautiful. I love the poem, I want to read it over and over! Thank you for visiting my blog and giving such encouraging words. Have a blessed day.
This is an absolutely lovely TT list! Have a blessed week ahead!!!
Your verse and post are beautiful. May you have a wonderful day full of blessings.
with prayers,
Thanks for being a such a blessing to all. May God continue to bless you in a mighty way. Have a great weekend.
What an encouraging post, and a beautiful poem. Your thankfulness is such an inspiration. I love reading your blog! Thanks for sharing. And thanks for your kind comments on my blog.
Loved your praise, I could feel it.
God IS love!
Thanks for taking the time to pour out your gratitude this Thursday.
Have a great weekend!
God bless,
How true Nancie - His love is awesome and wonderful - never failing. Everything else pales in comparison.
Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us.
Be blessed today and always...
Hi Nancie, Thanks so much for this reminder about God's AWESOME love! Blessings to you, Janet
Nancie, thanks so much for visiting my TT post this week! I pray that God continues to shower his blessings down on you.
Have a blessed weekend!
I am so happy that you visited my blog this week. What a great reminder your TT list is for me also. Please stop by again. I am also seeking healing for a mood swing disorder. Although not as severe as what you probably struggle with, it is a real issue in my life. Keep in touch.
Thank you so much for your prayers, and thank you for visiting my blog on Thankful Thursday. My apologies for not writing back sooner! Still getting used to Wordpress and I thought comments would be automatically posted and/or emailed to me! Gotta change the settings. Thanks again! have a great day!!! :-)
Dear Friends, Thanks for stopping by. Thanks for your kind prayers and encouragements. Thank God that we can count our blessings, share His goodness and mercies with us and offer our thanksgiving together through this Thankful Thursday. May God grant us a thankful heart daily as we behold His love and mercies in so many wonderful ways!
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