This is my comfort through all the changing scenes in life. No matter what we go through whether joy or pain, God is able to work them for His glory and our good.
May this truth strengthen your heart and may you know God's love and guidance in many wonderful ways today and everyday!
For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you.
Thank you for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements. Hope you have a blessed day!
(I took this photo at Hort Park, Singapore)
Yes Nancie...we know that all things work together for good to them who are called according to HIS Purpose!!! You are called!
I know you already received ALL the awards I have and am giving out but please come and accept
my honor and thanks to YOU!
Blessings! Peggy
Amen! Very true...
This is one of my favorite scriptures. Love the photo you put it with.
Have a great Wednesday!
"This is my comfort through all the changing scenes in life. No matter what we go through whether joy or pain, God is able to work them for His glory and our good."
Very true to me last weekend. Sigh. Thanks for your sweetness. I missed my weekend meme and haven't posted my WFW yet... but I am blessed just to have friends like you in the web. Take care sister. By the way, would you care to do a tag? I have one for you from Denise. :) Hope you can do this. Shalom!:$
Google Search:
I love this colorful picture, and verse. Take care my dear friend.
There are times in life that this verse is hard to hear...particularly in the midst of a storm...but in the end it is true.
Thanks for the awards...I do plan to post about them, but I have just had so much to share lately, I haven't had time. I do appreciate your thinking of me, though.
Amen! = ) You're so right...that promise is such a comfort when things don't make sense. Thank you for this beautiful reminder today. Gorgeous photo! (I didn't realize geraniums grew in Singapore!) ; )
Thank you for your sweet words about my family. You're right...I'm extremely blessed.
Happy WFW!
Tracy = )
I need to move where you are...those photos are gorgeous...God bless you on this wonderful WFW and praying all is well with you!
That is such a lovely picture. Thanks for the encouraging verse!
Hi Nancie,
How are you?
I absolutely love the picture - did you take it?
And I love the verse as well, it's definitely a verse to cling to and remember at all times. :)
I love it! Got me singing the song that features that verse.
Amen! I just love that verse...of course the book of Romans is completely amazing :o)
Thanks for sharing this...oh and your photo is beautiful :o)
i love the plsalm 23 post above, that's one of my fav. videos it's so cute!
and yes isin't it amazing it all works for his glory!!!
We are made in the image of God, has a purpose, to be in relationship to God, who is always there. Sometimes we forgets our purpose and we forget who we are and what life means. This is the concept of Romans 8:28-29 "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." God governs (controls) the world (Isa. 40:22-24), the nations (Isa. 40:15-17), and us (Proverbs 16:9).
One of the greatest and most essential attributes of God is His sovereignty; God rules over all things and controls all things. 'Providence" means God’s faithful, moment-by-moment control over everything He has made to ensure that everything He has created are going according to His will. He is active in every detail of it. He’s active at every moment. He doesn’t stand back and let things happen because He decides to intervene if something or someone is not going according to His will. He governs the world moment-by-moment through providence, so that everything that happens, every detail of our life occurs by God's divine providence or by God’s express permission. He is in control of everything. Even the bad things that happen to us are circumscribed by a loving providence and God promises to use them all for our ultimate good. There is a verse in the Bible that God promises that there won’t be anything so bad happen to us that we’re not able to bear it. God does everything--He governs everything.” God doesn’t just sit back and wait until He wants to act and then do it through a miracle.”
By the way, I am back :)
That is one of my favorite verses of all time! The flower photo is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Dear Friends, thanks for stopping by. Thank God for His precious Words that guide us, direct us and comfort us in this pilgrim journey! Thanks for your visits and encouragements. May God strengthen you with His Words daily and bless your walk with Him.
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