The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying,
Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love:
therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.
Jeremiah 31:3
Nothing is more powerful to engage our affection than to find that we are beloved! Expression of kindness and love are usually pleasing and acceptable unto us irrespective of who expresses it to us.
But to have the love of One Who is altogether lovely, to know that the glorious Majesty of heaven hath any regard unto us, how must this astonish and delight us, how must it overcome our spirits and melt our hearts, and put our whole soul into a flame!
Thank God for His everlasting and immeasurable love for us! It will take me a lifetime to try and comprehend it, and even then I may not fully understand it!
May you continue to know God's everlasting love and goodness in many wonderful ways daily :)
For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you.
Thank you for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements. Hope you have a blessed day!
(I took this picture at a Flower exhibition in Singapore)
May God bless you today!
Beautiful post. I was thrown off for a moment though with Word-Filled Wednesday on Tuesday. For a second I thought I missed my homeschool meeting yesterday... but it's still Tuesday and it's tonight. :)
Have a blessed day!
A wonderful posting Nancie! There are so very many aspects of our Lord God that are awesome. To focus on His Love, does melt our hearts. There is a hymn "Amazing Love, how can it be that Thou my God has died for me!" I can never sing the entire hymn without crying; thinking about His amazing love & sacrifice! Thank you Nancie for sharing about His love!
Bless you Nancie...for this gorgeous rose and Word from Jeremiah! How true your own words that HIS LOVE so everlasting is so incomprenhensible for us to fathom! Such loving and encouraging thoughts! I'm so glad HE LOVES YOU and me (and all our blogger friends)! From reading these words after your excellent message on Monday, I can tell that GOD is expressing His love and handing you this rose and His sweet fragrance of refreshment!
Enjoy and keep your pace!Much love
the Father has given unto us! Thank You Lord for drawing Nancie and I(and others who hear Your Word)closer to You with loving kindness! Thank You Lord for Your everlasting, unconditional love!
Bless my sweet sister in the Lord Nancie with Your joy that brings strength and wisdom! Thanks Nancie!
That is wonderful sis!
I love the flower picture, it's soo pretty:) I love flowers and the verse you picked is very beautiful:) God bless you and love you my sister:)
It is a beautiful thought of being loved by anyone. But I have found no greater love than the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and God our Father.
Thanks Nancie for this wonderful post. May you always experience the essence of His tender love and mercy.
Be Blessed
When I saw your verse for today asmile immediately came on my face. You are so right it is delightful to know we ave such a wonderful love from our father, and yes we may never understand it, but Glory we have it. thanks for shaing this verse today. Be Blessed wednesday
What a beautiful post with a beautiful verse and a beautiful rose! I love roses :-) You are a good photographer, Nancie.
Have a blessed day!
What a perfect verse to go with a perfect picture.
Knowing that God loves us unconditionally, no matter what other people think, is so soothing and encouraging!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and heart with us.
Absolutely beautiful, as is your precious heart!
I love how you said, "one who is all together lovely." Oh, yes He is and to be loved by Him just blows my mind! Blessings to you!
You are one of my favorite places to visit every Wednesday. You are encouraging me in ways you couldn't imagine right now. Thanks!
There is nothing greater than the love of our Lord! Great picture.
The Love of the Father is everlasting and I have to cling to that all the time.
Beautiful post!!!
Beautiful reminder! It will take a lifetime to understand that Love! Rejoicing with you in the love he freely gives us!
This is one of my favorite verses. Very nice, thank you for sharing!
Sweet sister Nancie,
Beautiful, beautiful rose! And even more beautiful...the love God has for us! Thank you for this wonderful Scripture reminder today!
I agree with you, I will never fully grasp how and why He would take such notice of us.
Much love in our Savior,
Absolutely beautiful post, nancie. I love it. Love it love it love it! Really needed that reminder.
Beautiful picture, Nancie, with an equally beautiful scripture. I've been thinking alot lately about the Lord's unfailing love... His love that is always here for us. So glad you shared this with us today.
Happy WFW!
As always your thoughts are beautiful and match the awesome picture of the rose!
Thanks again for sharing all the information with me for the Father's Love Letter. As God prompts I will post it all in the coming days and weeks!
You are such a blessing!
Thanks so much for this lovely reminder.
The photo you took is so pretty.
Thank you for Blessing me today.
An "everlasting" love. That's a love that will stand FOREVER. God has always been and always will be. How great it is to serve a God like that!!
Blessings upon you, Nancie, as you continue to serve Him and bless others!!
This beautiful picture and verse touched my heart, thank you sweetie.
beautiful photo and a wonderful reminder. Thanks for sharing.
dear Nancie,
I just stopped back over at Amy's to look at the rest of the posts.
She had put up a post asking for prayers for her family.
They lost the family dog today.
Please go over and give Amy some encouragement. I know she would appreciate it.
Love the rose and scripture. Always great words of wisdom from a Godly heart here.
Thank you for the blessing!
I am so thankful that God's love is unconditional. His Love gives me such great comfort. Thank you for sharing. How are you doing? God bless you dear sister in Christ.
Your photography is beautiful...there is nothing more magnificent than God's creation....and your Words filled with love, God's love....stir and bring peace to my heart. Thank you for being a messenger of His love!
Have a beautiful day in the Lord.
Love in Christ, Stacy
PS. Thanks for stopping by...it is a pleasure meeting another sister in the Lord. :)
Yes, God gives ample evidence of His love for us...we need to remind ourselves and each other. Posts like this one are very helpful as we face life's challenges daily.
I looove the photo and verse - and the words you have to say are always so fitting! Thanks Nancie, you bring joy to my thursday-catch-up-day!!
well done nancie!
hugs and prayers
Bless you nancie....
Isn't it great to know that we have one who always loves us no matter what our circumstances, love unconditionally, that is the so powerful!
Happy WFW!
What a BEAUTIFUL post. Thanks Nancie!
Dear all, thanks for stopping by and all your encouragements. Take care and God bless!
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