From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD's name is to be praised. Psalm 113:3
Thank God for each day that we can wake up to praise Him and serve Him!
May we lift up our souls in praise and thanksgiving to God daily for His love and goodness in many wonderful ways !
For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you.
Thank you for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements. Hope you have a blessed day!
(My friend and sister-in-Christ, Sau, took this picture at Saipan)
Let us praise the Lord from the rising of the sun unto the going down NANCIE for HE is GREAT and greatly to be praised! A perfect verse for a wonderful photo of Saipan! Thank you Sau for the gorgeous photo and giving it to Nancie to share so beautifully with the Word of God she chose.
Since the sun is rising here and setting there, we are lifting our souls in unison with THANKS & PRAISE for His love and goodness today and every day... For friendships and Christ's bonding us as sisters in Him, I give thanks
Eternal blessings my friend! Peggy
That is a beautiful photo!
Our days go much better when we remember who deserves all praise, don't they?
Nancie, I like it that you refer to Psalm so much I enjoy it! Thanks,Annie
Thank you for sharing Nancie, the photo is absolutely beautiful! The psalms are such an encouragement.
Beautiful, Nancie....just beautiful.
That gorgeous picture is perfect for that verse. Praise His Holy Name -
Hi Nancie,
A few months ago, I said I was investigating the ideas of Jon Kabat-Zinn. Specifically, I read "Wherever you go, There you are", a bestseller. I was a bit apprehensive when I started reading it. It sounded like it might help me to reduce "racing thoughts". I also knew I have a tendency to get over-excited by new ideas. So I took it slow, and tried to remain skeptical at all times, lest I get carried away, and actually, somehow make myself "high" from being too happy when I found that it seemed to work quite well.
Well, I've been doing the meditation exercise that he describes in the book, fairly often, when I have time. I can report now that I believe his form of "meditation", (really just trying to blank out your mind, as much as you can, for a short time, say 15 minutes) actually does reduce racing thoughts, and it will not destabilize me. It always seems to help, even better than I imagined it would, which I found a bit weird, even scary at first, but now I kind of understand what he says in his book, and why it works so well for me. I think anyone should take a look at this book. I'm not a Christian, (more of a scientist/atheist) but my wife is a very strong Christian. Kabat-Zinn (perhaps a Jew, but he never says) keeps mentioning words like "Buddhist, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc." which I can see would be a total turnoff to a Christian.
Meditation is just a small part of these ancient eastern religions.
He carefully explains in the book, that his "meditation" has little to do with organized religion, and he is not promoting or opposing anyone's faith (or lack thereof).
The bits of morality that he gets into from time to time, seem to be very consistent with Christianity.
If you don't want to read those bits, just try his "mind blanking" exercise, to get you into the "here and now".
As he says in one spot in the book, Christians realize that to really know God well, you must not just read the Bible, but also look at the world that God created, and at yourself (also created by God). And I might add, that you must not only talk to God (through prayer), you should also set aside time to make your brain quiet, so you might "hear" what God wants you to hear, not just what you hope he will tell you.
I'm a bit amazed, and very happy, with the knowledge of myself, and my bipolar condition, that I've gained while studying his book, and especially, while trying to do the mind-quieting exercise. I feel even safer now, a year and a half off of Lithium, that I might not have to ever get back on it.
Of course in an emergency, my wife will force me to take Stelazine, an anti-psychotic drug that works wonders at making me sleep! I have some handy at all times in my medicine cabinet. :-)
-- Rob
Love the picture and the verse!
Hi Nancie!!
The Lord's name IS to be praised, no matter what the circumstances.
Thank you for reminding me of this. Sometimes in our day to day lives, I think we forget this.
Then I glanced down through your blog to last week's "Word-Filled Wednesday"--from Romans 8:28--and how fitting that this verse fits right in from the verse from the Psalms. No matter what, God is working for HIS good purpose. We may not see it, feel it or even think it at any given moment, but everything is given for HIS purpose and HIS praise.
Thank you so much for this. I really needed to read this on THIS morning before my day began.
Hi Friends, thanks for stopping by and your encouragements!
Hi Rob, thanks for writing. It's good to hear from you again. Thanks for your sharing. Glad that things are working out well for you. As Christians, I do look at the world that God has created besides reading the Bible. God reveals Himself to us through His creations too and shows His love to us through the people around us. Personally I don't go for blanking of mind. I do try to rest my mind by listening to some music and sometimes just rest. Prayers help me to unburden and cast my cares on God. I have quiet time every morning and evening where I pray, read the Bible and sing Psalms. During my quiet time, I do wait upon God to speak to me through His Words and He is faithful to answer my prayers daily. Filling my mind with the Word of God and meditating on these precious Truths gives me peace, comforts and directions. God's Words strengthens me and help me to cope with various challenges in my life. For me this works well. Hope your condition continue to improve and you can stay medicine free! Thank God that you have such a caring wife that is always ready to step in and help :-) Thanks again for stopping by. Do take care and keep in touch.
What a beautiful picture. And the verse is such a wonderful one for memorizing. It's so nice to have it with us all the day long.
Beautiful post!
Beautiful response to Rob!
May God - The Most High be magnified and glorified in all we say and do!
You certainly glorify His name Nancie with your words of love for Him!
Have a glorious and beautiful day!
Thinking of you!
What a beautiful verse Nancie...and how important that we do praise him, every day in every situation because HE IS WORTHY! Your life is such a precious example of someone who does just that.
Blessings my friend,
P.S. On Monday of this week, I posted a belated thank you for several awards, including those shared by you. (Sorry for taking so long!)
One thing we can never do too often...praise the name of the Lord
Amen, He should be praised always, in all ways my friend.
Thank you for the verse and image. Each day is a promise of a new day and each sunset is a promise of new hope.
Amen! That is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing this today. Blessings to you!
Nancie, Lovely post beautiful prayers and picture. Thank you, Annie
What a lovely picture and verse - thanks for sharing it! And thank you too, for the wonderful blog awards you blessed me with. I'm so sorry that my thanks are so late - I've had many difficulties in being consistant in blogging the last week or two. I will address it and you on my blog soon. I really was very blessed and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Blessings!
Wonderful reminder! Praising Him with you Nancy!
Thanks for the reminder that that is what the day is for... praising my God. From morning to night, I pray my heart would be singing His praises.
Beautiful, Nancie! Praising the Lord with you!
Hello beautiful sister Nancie!
How are you today?
Thank you so much for this beautiful picture and word from our Lord today!
May the name of the Lord always be on the hearts and minds of His children and may praise for Him, forever be on our lips!
Love you dear sister,
One of my favorite verses of all time! And I love that now the circumstances in my life have made that verse even more special to me. From beginngings, to endings, God's name is ALWAYS to be praised. And each day brings a new reason to praise Him. Thank you for this beatiful offering of praise and for stopping by with your encouraging words.
BTW sister Nancie, I'm finally getting the bloggy awards you gave me up on my side bar! FINALLY! :-)
Thank you again for awarding them to me!
Much love in Christ,
I love the Psalms as well. Thank you so much for your encouragement. The picture and verse touched my heart. Thank you dear sister.
What a beautiful photo, with the perfect scripture.
You are such a sweet soul, so encouraging to all. Thank you for visiting and encouraging me regularly.
Nancie... you are such an encouragement to me on so many levels. Thank you for reminding me to praise my Lord today!
I will praise Him-thanks so much beautiful
Thank you so much for your encouraging comment on my post. The Lord's name is definately to be praised! Happy WFW!
Oh, Amen! Let us praise Him indeed! Beautiful pic and verse!
Amen and AMEN! What a wonderful verse...I am trying to praise Him in all things...good and bad...what a journey.
the only verse i know in sign language! lol
happy wfw
Nancie, this is soooo beautiful. And, I love this verse. Nancie, you are such an encourager and wonderful sister in Christ. Not only am I encouraged by your sweet comments on my posts, but also on all of the blogs that you visit. You take the time to say such kind things to everyone!
Bless you!!
Dear Friends, thanks for stopping by and your encouragements. Thank God for giving us reasons to praise Him daily! Take care and God bless!
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