The purpose of MISSION 4 MONDAY is to share YOUR MISSION each week.
I am thankful to God that I can continue to serve Him through this blog.
One of the missions of my blog is to share with others God's goodness and mercies to me in managing clinical depression and bipolar disorder, as well as resources that will benefit a person with a mood disorder and information for their family and loved ones.
Last 2 weeks, I shared two articles written by my friend and fellow blogger, Marja Bergen namely "Trust during rough times" and "Finding meaning in a life with bipolar disorder".
Marja is the author of a new book "A Firm Place to Stand" on finding meaning in a life with bipolar disorder.
Today, I like to share the following excerpt taken from another book written by Marja entitled "Riding the Roller Coaster: Living with Mood Disorders" :
An illness like any other
We always think of mental illness as something that happens to other people, not to us. To be diagnosed with depression or manic depression is a scary thing. But how we cope with our mood disorder is largely determined by how we look at it. If we can accept it as the illness it is - an illness like any other - we will be ready to move ahead with our lives in a positive way.
The negative view much of society has of mental disorders is partly due to the fact that people do not understand there is usually a physical basis for these illnesses, often in the form of a chemical imbalance. This imbalance is treatable with medication. With effective treatment most of us can live close-to-normal lives. Mental illness is an illness like any other.
In fact, mood disorders are comparable to other illnesses, such as diabetes. A diabetic is not to blame for his or her illness. Neither is a person with a mood disorder. Just as diabetes can cause serious disability and even death, so can mood disorders. Diabetics often require the use of medication to maintain stable blood sugar levels. People with mood disorders also require medication, in their case, to maintain emotional balance. Finally, as is the case with those who have diabetes, if people with mood disorders take their medications regularly, chances are they will live a close-to-normal life.
Nevertheless, because of the fear of having a "shameful" condition, or of being labeled by society, many don't search out the help they so desperately need. What results is much unnecessary suffering by people who could otherwise have been helped.
In recent years much research has been done and doctors, mental health associations, societies and libraries can provide much information. Mood disorder self-support groups are an especially good source of information. Here we can find pertinent literature and discuss affective illnesses with others who have problems similar to our own.
As we come to terms with our disease we learn to understand how imperative medications and other treatments are - how they form the basis for our well-being. Once we have the physical aspects of our illness under control, we can prepare to take charge of our lives and make the most of the strengths we all have.
As we walk with our friends and acquaintances, we should walk with self-assurance. In that great family of individuals who suffer from personal problems, sicknesses, and handicaps, each of us is a unique yet ordinary member.
As a sufferer of bipolar disorder, I am thankful to know that my condition is a medical condition that can be treated. This has helped me to read and understand more about my condition, and seek medical and other helps so that I can be more functional.
Bipolar Disorder or previously known as manic-depressive illness is a mood disorder with extreme mood swings ie. manic/hypomanic and depression. It is a medical condition that can be treated and with suitable medical and other helps, one can live a life that is close-to-normal.
The above excerpt is taken from Riding the Roller Coaster by Marja Bergen : Living with Mood Disorders

Reviews in the Media
Mood Disorders Association of BC
Robert Winram, Executive Director
This excellent first person account is filled with encouragement for those managing mood disorders. It delivers understanding, insight and very tangible strategies on how to overcome the difficulties of depression and manic depression. Marja Bergen gives us a very human perspective drawn from her experiences. Her path to recovery is exciting and positive.
News Leader
Despite increased understanding by the scientific community, there is still a big gap in the understanding of these illnesses by the general public. Long-time Burnaby resident, Marja Bergen, has tried to help bridge this gap. Having suffered with manic depression (or bipolar disorder) for the past 34 years, Bergen knows what it is to experience the elation of mania and the despair of depression in the book, she draws from her experience using personal vignettes from her life as well as offering strategies for dealing with the problems that arise.
Bergen offers encouragement to the reader with essays such as: Dealing with the Stigma, Keeping a Balance, If You Can Trust Yourself...and Building Confidence.
Burnaby NOW
Annie Boulanger
The publication of her book is very timely as there are indications that mood disorders are a growing problem in the workplace.
Personal vignettes and real-life examples abound in Bergen's book, including frank descriptions of her own history, from her first treatments in Riverview, to problems adjusting medications in later years.
The book is easy to read, and while Bergen's style is warm and encouraging, it is also clearly written from her own experience.
The book is not only helpful to sufferers of mood disorder related illnesses, but also to their families to understand what it is that their family member is undergoing.
Wayne A. Holst
This book come highly recommended as integrated resources for pastoral counselors as well as other caregivers in parishes who are committed to working with the spiritual aspects of depression within the larger framework of holistic health.
Bruce Saunders
Bite-sized essays. Brimming with wisdom, forgiveness, acceptance and practical advice. One can easily pick it up and read just a page.
I especially appreciated the “we” tense used throughout and her just plain good sense of things that often get overlooked in our battle with the pathology.
Marja Bergen has crafted an invaluable tool from her life experience with a challenging condition. A great deal of anguish for sufferers and their families, as well as time and money for the mental health system, would be saved if this book were standard issue for all people diagnosed with manic-depression.
I’d like to see all those engaged in psychosocial rehab reading this book to understand mood disorders better and to recommend it to their clients
Rural Roots
Peter Griffiths
The book is relatively small and easy to read.
It is excellent material, and presented simply and clearly. From her reading, research, and most importantly, her experience of living, Bergen has put together short writings on different aspects of depression and manic, and in a very readable format.
This book needs to be read by sufferers of depression and mania, as well as by their family and friends as well. I also wish that psychiatrists who treat people who suffer from depression or manic would hand out a copy of this book along with their prescriptions. If they did, they would be surprised to find out how more effective the medications would become.
If you are keen to buy books by Marja, do check out Marja's new website.
Thanks again for stopping by! Thanks for all your prayers and encouragements!
Take care and God bless :)
For more Mission 4 Monday posts, visit Peggy.
1. A Firm Place to Stand by Marja Bergen
2. A practical workbook for the depressed Christian by Dr John Lockley
3. An unquiet mind by Dr Kay Redfield Jamison
4. Broken Mind by Steve and Robyn Bloem
5. I'm Not Supposed to Feel Like This by Chris Williams, Paul Richards and Ingrid Whitton
Excerpts from Books
1. Trust during rough times (Excerpt from "A Firm Place to Stand" by Marja Bergen)
2. Finding meaning in a life with bipolar disorder (Excerpt from Marja Bergen's article on canadianchristianity.com)
3. An illness like any other (Excerpt from "Roller Coaster" by Marja Bergen)
When I was diagnosed with depression and then bipolar disorder, I had a great deal of difficulty accepting this fact due to others preconceived notions.
My doctor helped me to understand that this is just as having high blood pressure, a heart condition, diabetes.
It is a medical condition and can be treated. We need to not let the opinions of others influence how we view this disease.
I hope the rest of your day is wonderful and blessed!
I've been going through a lot of medical testing lately and at one point I sat in the doctor's office as he told me some things and I began to cry. He told me "you are also depressed" and I looked at him and said "no, I'm not, why would you say that to me"?
He was so compassionate..he took the time to explain to me that there was no way I could not be depressed with the amount of pain I was in and all the tests they were doing to me and the amount of tears flowing out of my eyes and all of the uncertainty...etc etc etc.
I stopped by today because I had received a really hateful comment earlier from someone I didn't even know about my blog and how I was not showing the love of Christ and I have not been able to stop crying. My husband thinks its the depression. I really don't know.
But I thought about you. So I thought I would tell you that you are an amazing woman. You bring light to this illness and that is what it needs and most importantly, you reflect Christ beautifully in all you do.
Blessings to you, my friend.
Beth, Thanks for dropping by. It is indeed not easy to accept a diagnosis of depression/clinical depression or bipolar disorder, or any other mental illness. There is still such a terrible stigma associated with mental illness in our society at large, and even among the Christian community.
Many mistakenly think that depression is purely of a spiritual nature and is due to a person's lack of trust in God. While others treat those with depression and mental illness as if they are mad people. But in reality clinical depression is a very common mental illness due to chemical imbalance in our brain. It is a medical condition that can be treated just like diabetes.
I am glad that your doctor is very compassionate and able to help you to understand it correctly to be a medical condition just like high blood pressure, a heart condition, diabetes, etc. Just like these who have a particular function in their body malfunctioning and needing treatment, so have we as our brain chemical malfunctions.
It is important for us to understand that it is a medical condition that can be treated. You are so right that we need to not let the opinions of others influence how we view this disease especially those who have no knowledge or experience of depression.
Take care and may you have a blessed day too!
Debra, thanks for stopping by. I am sorry to know that someone has left an unkind comment for you. It is really horrible! I just visited your blog and read the details. I want to encourage you that God knows your love for Him and your loved ones. Your hurt and sadness is understandable and my heart goes out to you. I am praying for you. May God comfort and strengthen you in His love and grace.
Depression is a medical illness that can be treated. It can be triggered off by various reasons. Glad that you are under medical care and you have such a compassionate doctor. There is nothing to feel ashamed of as we are all weak and finite being and we have many ups and downs in life. In time of great pains, losses, stress or disasters, our emotional and mental well being can suffer injury. Our comfort is that God understands. He is the one that bind the brokenhearted.
May God minister His love and comfort to you in the pains and trials in your life. Know that as you trust in the love of Christ our Lord and His precious blood, He has promised that He will never leave you nor forsake you.
I am thankful to God that I can help to create awareness among fellow Christians that depression/clinical depression is a medical condition that can be treated so that we can find the help necessary. It will help to banish false guilts too. I have several useful resources on this topic especially a series of lectures by Dr David P Murray on "Depression and the Christian". I hope to share these in the weeks ahead on Mission 4 Monday. Marja has several other articles that are very helpful too and I am thankful that she allows me to share them here.
Please take care and continue to cast all your cares upon our Lord. Try not to let this unkind comment drag you down as it could be one of the devices of the evil one but let this trial draw you nearer to God and your loved ones. Thank God for giving you such a loving and understanding husband. I will remember you in prayers. May God bless you abundantly with His love and grace.
Blessings precious Nancie...what a heart and what a ministry! Your response to Beth was so touching! I
pray that she returns and reads it here...and I await your response to Debra, but I appreciate that you deal with your response here(somewhat confidential)rather than their blog kinda because of the stigma and also that it is of personal nature. I respect you so much for your wisdom and sincere kindness! As regards your post
today...EXCELLENCE & compassion, truly the work of a servant of God filled with His love for others, no matter what!Debra has complimented you perfectly and I agree!
Thank you for sharing Marja's 1st book...I loved the excerpt! Simple
and so concise! Understandable for all. You have blessed me so much in the positive way you portray our illness. I have much respect for you and Marja, for how you handle and stabilize your life. I praise God for your recognition of this and how you manage your wellness!
I'm thankful that Our Lord continues to hold you up, guide you, direct you, fill you with good wisdom & knowledgeable of great resources, that not only benefit you but others! I thank God that
you willingly admit & share about this as a means of therapy and journaling your illness. You have used all that God gives you & you pour it out to benefit others.
His goodness and mercies flow from YOU & your grateful heart as you strive to maintain a balance! Praise God! Glory to Our Lord that
day by day you are seeking Him & following your medical plan to be well and also making you whole in Him! I applaud how well have exposed this mental illness the same as any other chronic illness!
I pray that God helps society but especially Christians and the church, to break the stigma against
mood disorders and those who have
problems with depression or mania.
Too many are made to feel that it is a spiritual problem when you have shown that (even if it may be)
it is a physical problem (as Marja states)a chemical imbalance that medication can control. Though sometimes, it is hard to get the right one or the best balance, it is trial and error because it is such an individual basis.I think more than any other illness but very much the same(like when others have different reactions to the same meds)It all has to do with our makeup or in our case, imbalance.
I share a faith like you that Our Creator, the Almighty God, knows each of us intimately...to the hairs on our head...and we, with bipolar disorder, clinical depressions, diabetes, etc. are Fearfully and wonderfully made!
Because HE LOVES US, we are able and HIS Grace is sufficient!
I read you blog 4 times today and pondered about how your words minister to the hurting and without fail, you encourage us...to keep on and serve as best we can and are able...this indeed is a ministry and mission! Thank you for your faithful part of Mission 4 Monday!
As difficult as it may be to make time to post or put this together,
while trying to do regular work,
it is worth it for how others seek
you and trust you to share their pain & hurt, as they do with Jesus.
Then you respond with Jesus' love!
God bless you my dear sister in the Lord! It was a glorious day when you chose JESUS & I will continue to pray for you, your walk, your family, you work but mostly your mission & ministry! I'm truly blessed by you & how Jesus shines
through you! I'm actually in awe!
Thank you for the privilege of you
linking & sharing in Mission 4 Monday! I will trust Jesus in the rough times & find meaning in my life with bpd & thank God for His
work in us! You have been His voice in my wilderness! Thank you Nancie!
Hi again Nancie...as if I didn't say enough...I forgot my very first thought that I wanted to share:
I LOVE YOUR TITLE to this post!!!!
"An illness like any other"
"Surely He (JESUS)took up our infirmities
and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered Him (JESUS) stricken by God,
smitten by Him(God), and afflicted.
But He (JESUS)was pierced for our transgressions,
He (JESUS) was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him (JESUS),
and by His (JESUS)wounds we are healed." ISAIAH's 53rd Chapter:
Verse 4 & 5...a major prophet spoke to any of US, Beth, Nancie, Debra, Marja and me...and any other person suffering & learning to cope & deal with any illness!
Amen to Isaiah 53rd Chapter, verses 4 & 5, Peggy! I am so thankful that our Lord Jesus Christ took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed!
Thanks for your prayers and many kind words of encouragements. I am greatly humbled by your kind words. I give all praise and glory to God for His mercies to me. I am what I am by His grace alone! I am a weak instrument but in the hands of a mighty God! Praise Him!
I am thankful that God uses my trials and sufferings with depression and bipolar disorder to draw me closer to Himself, to know His love, mercies, grace and faithfulness in many wonderful ways. God is very real to me because of the way He sustains, ministered to me and deliver me. I am thankful to God that He has provided medication and other helps, besides comforting me with His Words and showing me His love through His people.
I am thankful to God that I can share His goodness on this blog and help to create awareness on the clinical and medical nature of clinical depression, bipolar disorder and other mental illness. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made by God (Psalm 139:14)! And to us who know God, He is working all things for His glory, our good and the good of His church (Romans 8:28).
In this life we shall have many ups and downs because as sinners saved by grace we are still living in a fallen world and have much to contend with in terms of remaining corruptions in us, temptations of the world and the assault of the evil ones. But thank God that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). We are more than conquerors through Him Who loved us (Romans 8:37)!
Let us continue to seek and serve our Lord through all the changing scenes in our life because the Lord has loved us with an everlasting love and we are persuaded that nothing shall ever separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord!
Thanks for hosting Mission 4 Monday and encouraging me and others to join so that we can be reminded every week of our mission to serve our Lord and His people! May God bless your labors of love abundantly and continue to make you a blessing and encouragement to others! Take care and have a blessed week!
Hi Nancie! Hope you are having a great day. It's 2 am here, but I am wide awake. I don't have bipolar, but I work nights and my body thinks I'm supposed to be awake right now! I wanted to tell you that I do understand some of what you deal with because I've had depression for as long as I can remember. My mom remembers me having problems as a little girl. I have tried so many different therapies and have had people (well-meaning, Christian friends) tell me that I don't need medication if I trust God. I continue to take my medication and rely on God for strength daily. If I don't take it, I feel really bad and don't deal as well with life. How have you dealt with people telling you that if you had more faith you wouldn't need medication?
Since I'm a nurse practitioner (almost), I believe that some medicines are helpful, as are some nutritional therapies. I believe that medication is God-given and that we should take it if it helps. Thanks for listening.
Nancie...Please do me the honor of visiting my Tuesday post! After I decided...I saw Denise's but it doesn't matter...Come and share!
God bless you & bring you prosperity!
Hi Kathy, thanks for stopping by. I too believe that medication is God-given and that we should take it if it helps us in our conditions. I know of people who are able to manage their depression without medication and there are also those that are medicine-resistant. But for me and many others I have come to know, medication do help us to be more functional. It may not cure us totally but it lifts us up to a level that we can function and find other helps while coping with the various challenges in our life.
There will always be people who do not understand or believe in the use of medication especially among Christians. Too often Christians misunderstood that all depression are due to spiritual reasons or lack of faith in God. They seemed not to know that there is a difference between spiritual depression and clinical depression. Spiritual depression may occur when we sinned against God or do not believe in Him or put our trust in Him. But clinical depression is very different and it is a real medical condition that can be treated and needs to be treated.
I am hoping that by being open and sharing on this blog as well as with my family and friends more people will become aware so that sufferers can come forward to seek help and family/friends can be more understanding and supportive.
If anyone tells me that if I have more faith in God then I wouldn't need medication, I will try and explain to that person that my depression is not spiritual depression but clinical depression which is a medical condition. I will try and pass them some articles to read. But I know that no matter how I explained there are bound to be people who would not understand. Unless a person has experienced clinical depression, he/she can never fully understand because most people associate "depression" with the occasional blues or down feeling that goes away after a while.
Most people do not understand that clinical depression or chronic depression due to chemical imbalance in our brain or other biological condition is more severe and prolonged than the normal blues and can't be willed away or wished away. Without treatments some of us have to suffer for 3 to 6 months, and are quite dysfunctional during those times. Some sufferers of depression are also plague by suicidal thoughts and sadly some did end their life. I lost a cousin sister a few years back and I am determine to fight this stigma, with God's grace.
Thanks for coming over and share with me and my readers. It is good to know that we are not alone and others are being helped by God and medication too.
Hope you get a good night rest! Thanks again for stopping by and sharing with us! Take care.
Thank you, Peggy, for sharing your award with me and your many kind words of encouragement on your post. I am greatly humbled and honored by your kindness. I give all praise and glory to God.
I am thankful that we can meet through blogging and be of encouragement to one another, and to our other blogging friends. Thank God for His goodness to us. You are a great encouragement to me and many others. May God continue to make you a blessing to all of us! Once again, thank you and God bless!
Thanks you so much for your encouraging words that I know come from God!
I read your response to me last evening and again this morning. It is so uplifting to know that others understand that this is certainly not caused by a lack of faith or trust in God.
Certainly, we can all go through a time of depression when faced with a great stress in our lives, such as the loss of a loved one. That is a natural response, a grieving.
But, when these symptoms go on and on, then it is time to seek help, not only from God but from medical professionals. I look at this in this manner. God gave these professionals the wisdom and training to be able to help those in need. So, surely, He would expect us to utilize those He has entrusted with this wisdom.
And, yes, I must learn to pace myself, not take on more than I can physically or mentally accomplish! That is so important as well as rest. There are times of rest, when we must sit back and just listen to God's voice, a quiet time.
I'm praying for discernment in what I need to let go at this point in my life. I know that God asks of me and I answer. But, I also know that a "burnt out" servant is of no use. Then, there is no joy in the serving.
Have a wonderful and blessed day!! Thank you for your ministry!
Beth, thanks again for coming by and sharing your thoughts with us! I am encouraged by what you have written. I am thankful to God that through blogging we can pray and encourage one another, and others who suffer from depression and bipolar disorder.
It is indeed very important that we understand that clinical depression is certainly not caused by a lack of faith or trust in God. Grieving and sadness are part of the emotions we experienced in this fallen world when we lost our loved ones. I agree with you that it is important to realize that when these symptoms go on and on, then it is time to seek help, not only from God but from medical professionals. Hopefully more people will understand this and seek medical and other helps to minimize their sufferings!
I am praying with you that God will guide you and help you to pace yourself as you continue to serve Him in your various callings. I am trying to remind myself to pray and pace myself moderately too :) It's very difficult and a great challenge to me because whenever I am well, I am a little hypomanic and tend to be more creative, have more energy and want to do as much as I can. But I am learning from past experiences that if I take on too many projects and over-strained myself, I will eventually burnt out and then clinical depression follows. You are right that a "burnt out" servant is of no use and there is no joy in the serving! For me, I will be out of action for months as totally no energy left :(
So I am still praying and learning to manage my condition. In some ways, we are in this together :) Let's pray and look to God together :) Thanks again for all your encouragements and sharing. Take care and have a blessed day!
Thank you for the encouraging comments you made on my blog.
I'm so thankful that ways have been found to treat bipolar disorder. My husband's father spent the last 30 years of his life in a mental institution. He went there in the early 1930s. In fact, he was taken there when my husband was a baby so he never knew him. Back in those days it was considered such a disgrace that my husband told everyone when he was growing up that his father was dead. If he was living today he could probably live a normal life with the medications that have been discovered. I'm thankful that you have help and are helping others who have this disorder.
God bless you as you live for Him.
I was only diagnosed 9 months ago, and I am still trying to accept the fact that bipolar IS an illness like any other. I feel MUCH more shame telling people that I am bipolar than I do that I have hypothyroidism. Why? I don't know exactly. I'm working on it.
Hello Nancie,
Thanks so much for stopping by and reading the post of the site. I've been reading yours and I have to say that I am amazed by your courage and honesty. Not too many women are willing to lay it all out like that for fear of being judged and ostracized by other women. So thank you for the refreshing honesty. It looks as if you are able to be a real encouragement for other women who are struggling as you are with this disease. May God continue to bless you in this ministry.
Concerning my trip to Mexico, talk about a roller coaster ride!!!! Things are still not definite and I'm supposed to leave October 1 : ). So if you think of it I'm asking all believers to pray. Thanks so much. God bless you, Nancie.
Psalm 23
Tears of joy fall as I read your post and then every comment here today! WOW! ONLY GOD!
I stand in awe of Him and the work He does in each of our hearts and lives.
You are so precious and I am so glad Peggy choose to give the award to you. I AMEN everything she said to you! She took the words right out of my mouth.
May you be blessed beyond measure today!
Know that I hold you dear in my heart and prayers!
I'm so glad that you have the Great Physician to lean on, and to guide you into sound health. God bless you for all you do Nancie.
Hi Charlotte, thanks for coming by. I am sorry to hear about husband's father. It is sad that in the past prior to invention of suitable medical helps, most people with mental illness could only be confined in mental institution. Thank God that He has provided more advanced medical helps and other helps in this generation so that patients can now live a more close-to-normal life, be more functional and even be able to contribute to the society significantly. Thank you for all your encouragements. May God bless you too!
Hi PJ, thanks for coming by. It is indeed not easy to accept the fact that bipolar is an illness like any other. There is still such a terrible stigma associated with mental illness. It is true that it is easier to tell others that we are suffering from other physical illness than to tell them we have bipolar, depression or any other mental illness. Hopefully as more and more people become aware as times go by, we will be able to talk about it more freely just like any other illness. Meanwhile, it is wise to be careful of whom we share with. And do not be surprise when others don't understand. Hopefully one day they will understand.
I think sometimes part of our battle is to fight the stigma within ourselves. That is why personally I have found that it is very crucial for me to understand and accept that my condition is an illness just like any other. With this acceptance, it enables me to continually learn as much as I can about it and how best to manage it, just like I would do when I am afflicted with any other illness.
The challenge is a great one and an ongoing one. I feel that I have embarked on a new journey. A journey that I am learning to look to God daily, make use of all the means He has provided, and live the best I can to serve Him and for His glory. Whenever I am sick and unwell, I am thankful that I can cast my cares and anxieties upon Him and rest in Him. When I am up and well, I do whatever I can to seek and serve Him.
May you take courage that we are all in this together, and God is with us. May God continue to help you. I am remembering you in prayers. Take care and God bless!
Hi Paulette and Jack, thanks for your encouraging comment. I am thankful to God that I can share His goodness and mercies to me in managing my illness, and also share resources with others.
The reason I am being very open is because many suffers of depression, bipolar disorder and other mental disorders often have to suffer alone due to the stigma. Many do not seek the help that is available and therefore are experiencing much suffering that can be relieved with appropriate help. It is my sincere prayers that through education and awareness more of such sufferers may seek out medical and other helps so that they too can be more functional and live a close-to-normal life. And their family and friends will be able to understand them and know how best to care for them. Family and friends support are crucial too.
I am remembering you in prayers with regards to the trip. May God guide and bless your trip! Take care!
Hi Jill, thank you for your sweet comment! You are always very encouraging :)
I often stand in awe of God and the work He does in each of our hearts and lives too. God is good to us and He is working all things for His glory, our good and that of His beloved people. What a comfort!
May you be blessed beyond measure too! You are also dear to me and I remember you in prayers too. Take care and God bless!
Amen, Edie! Thank God that He is the Great Physician. He heals using whatever means He provided and sometimes even without means but by His mighty power alone! And when He does not give us complete recovery, He has His higher purpose and He will give us grace sufficient to live for Him. He is our Refuge and Strength (Psalm 46:1). Thanks for stopping by. May God bless you too! Take care.
Hello! I found your blog through e-Mom at Chrysalis. I love the Christian focus of your blog and am looking forward to visiting it again. Prayers for you as you navigate life with this illness ~ it sounds like you have the right person at the helm!
~ Mrs. Brownstone @ XBOX Wife
Hi Mrs. Brownstone, thanks for stopping by and your kind comment! Thanks for your prayers! I am thankful to God for His mercies to me and I can share about it on this blog. I will be visiting you soon. Take care and have a blessed day!
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