Dear Friends,
Thanks for stopping by my Fearfully Fabulous Friday and Then Sing My Souls Saturday.

Great grief prays with great earnestness. Prayer is not a collection of balanced phrases; it is the pouring out of the soul. What is love if it be not fiery? What are prayers if the heart be not ablaze? They are the battles of the soul. In them men wrestle with principalities and powers...The prayer that prevails is not the work of lips and fingertips. It is the cry of a broken heart and the travail of a stricken soul. ...Samuel Chadwick

Psalm 130
Scottish Metrical Psalm1 Lord, from the depths to thee I cried.
2 My voice, Lord, do thou hear:
Unto my supplication's voice
give an attentive ear.
3 Lord, who shall stand, if thou, O Lord,
should'st mark iniquity?
4 But yet with thee forgiveness is,
that feared thou mayest be.
5 I wait for God, my soul doth wait,
my hope is in his word.
6 More than they that for morning watch,
my soul waits for the Lord;
I say, more than they that do watch
the morning light to see.
7 Let Israel hope in the Lord,
for with him mercies be;
And plenteous redemption
is ever found with him.
8 And from all his iniquities
he Isr'el shall redeem.
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May you continue to know God mercies and grace in very special ways today and everyday!
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you have a blessed weekend!
For more participants of Fearfully Fabulous Friday, do visit Jill.
For more participants of Then Sing My Souls Saturday, do visit Amy Wyatt.
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