Saturday, December 13, 2008

Free Calendars 2009 and Bookmarks

Dear Friends,

Thanks for stopping by. Thanks for all your prayers and encouragements.

Thank God for seeing us through another week.

♥ I have missed posting on Thankful Thursday for many weeks as I have been unwell and have to cut down the amount of time I spend on blogging and visiting. Thanks to all of you who have visited and encouraged me. Thank God I am better. I am looking to our faithful God daily. I do remember you in my prayers.

♥ I am thankful to God that I can serve Him through making some simple gifts with Bible verses. I have a small Homemade Gifts business. I am selling some Calendars 2009, Bookmarks and Cards with Bible verses. Do let me know if you are interested to purchase these gifts for yourself, your family or friends. And please do not hesitate to pass the words around and let your friends know about it too.

Homemade Calendars 2009 with Bible verses

Homemade Bookmarks with Bible verses and General Wordings

Homemade Cards with Bible verses

FREE templates for Calendars with Bible verses and Bookmarks with Bible verses to share with you!

As the postage is rather high to post to some of you, I like to share some Free templates for Calendars with Bible verses and Bookmarks with Bible verses with you. You can make these small gifts for yourself, your loved ones, family and friends. You can also make them and sell them, if you wish to :-) 

I have the following 3 Free items to share with you.

1) Free Instructions of how to make a simple Homemade Hanging Calendar for 2009 with Bible verses

2) Free Instructions of how to make a simple Calendar Planner for 2009 with Bible verses

3) Free Instructions of how to make a simple Bookmarks with Bible verses

Thank God that I can have the joy of serving Him in little ways like these. Hope you enjoy making them too.

♥ I am thankful to God for providing precious people in my life ie. my family, church, friends and blogging friends who love and care for me in their very wonderful ways. These are tokens of God's love for me and I treasure very much.

♥ I am thankful to God once again for all of you, my dear blogging friends and visitors. I have been so greatly blessed by all of you and I thank God upon every remembrance of you. It is wonderful to read of how God is guiding and blessing you in your walk with our Lord and it encourages me in my walk with God too. Thanks again for your prayers and encouragements.

May God continue to bless you with His love and mercies in many wonderful ways every day :)
If you are in Singapore, please come and visit my Church, Pilgrim Covenant Church, for worship and fellowship:

Details for worship services:

Or you can join us online for Morning and Evening worship services:

Thank you for stopping by. Have a blessed day! 

Best Regards
13 December 2008


Anonymous said...

My love and prayers are with you my dear friend. Asking God to heal you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nancie,

I sure have missed you. Glad you are better. Thanks for all this neat stuff. God bless you my sister. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back. I too have not posted on TT in a while.
Blog friends are the best... I have been encouraged and prayed for and the comments mean so much when you are going through a hard time. I am with you on being thankful for blog friends.
Sweet Blessings,

Anonymous said...

And I am thankful for you!

Anonymous said...

Blessings Nancie...I'm so thankful for you and that you are able to post once in awhile and Thankful Thursday is a great one to do!

I'm sorry that you are not well but that God's healing you & helping you recover & pace yourself!

I'm glad that you still have creative ideas in your business & have now use much wisdom on how you can share & increase some business.

You seem to be doing better & always show such a beautiful grateful heart! God loves you and so do I! Still praying & hoping for
increased strength & continual support of many as you mend!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweet Nancie,

I havent' posted on TT or visited much lately. I'm glad to see you again. You are so sweet to share with us.

Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you've been unwell, Nancie. Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

What lovely homemade gifts you make!

Anonymous said...

glad you are back with yourwonderful giving heart. Praying you will continue to feel better and God will bless all your works.

Anonymous said...

i've missed several TT posts too. sorry to hear you weren't well. i pray that God will touch your body and make you whole again. God bless you, my dear friend. (((HUGS)))

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are back to blogging on TT! May God bless you and your business.

Have a blessed day my friend.

Anonymous said...

You are a treasure, dear one. I am so thankful to see you back here! Praying for you, as always...Happy Thankful Thursday!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to read you've been ill but thankful you are recovering. Blessings!

Anonymous said...

I love the book marks you gave me! The callendars are beautiful too! I pray your business will grow and prosper. Thank you for your wonderful ministry too! God bless you dear friend.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed looking at your homemade items. I am going to bookmark your site and come back to print some of the freebies out. Thanks!

By the way, a friend of a friend is hosting a Book Giveaway. (If you comment, mention my name. Thanks!)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you have not been feeling well. Hope you are much better today! Happy TT~ Glad you are back!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon.Have a wonderful weekend.God Bless.

Grace said...

I'm glad you are back, too. It is very obvious that there are a lot of sisters that loves you very much.
Be safe always. :)