Saturday, September 28, 2024

Lesson on Gratefulness : Short video in Thai language with English subtitles. Must watch!

Dear Reader,

Thank you for stopping by!

Today, I woul like to share with you a Video in Thai language with subtitles in English. This is a very touching, heartwarming and encouraging Thai short story about a son, who is a Teacher, and his grateful love and care for his mother with Alzheimer, who gave birth to him and took care of him when he was a child. His actions became lessons and influences his students' life and also touched their parents heart. This is a video on gratefulness to mothers. 

Thank God for giving me and my siblings a very caring and kind mother. She was a housewife all the days of her life. She always put her children's need above her own needs. She taught us many precious lessons on life. She was very friendly to people around her, even when she met strangers. They remember her fondly and always very happy to see her. 

On 8 November 2015 my beloved mother was taken Home to be with her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ at the age of 75 after 5 months of battle with metastic colon cancer that had extended to her liver and lung. 

On her tomb stone, it was inscribed the Bible verse from Psalm 23:6 "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever." This verse in Chinese Mandarin Bible was also included "我 一 生 一 世 必 有 恩 惠 慈 爱 随 着 我 ; 我 且 要 住 在 耶 和 华 的 殿 中 , 直 到 永 远." 诗篇 23:6, Chinese Union Version (Traditional). 

Truly, with the Lords Jesus Christ as her Shepherd, she had been the recipient of His goodness and mercy all the days of my life and now I dwelling in the house of the Lord for ever to praise Him together with the Lord's beloved people in Heaven. 

I missed her very much and thankful to the Lord Jesus Christ for saving her out of darkness into His marvellous light. By the grace of God, I hope that one day I will see her again in glory! Thank God for His tender mercies and lovingkindness. To God be the glory!
May the following short video be a blessing and encouragement to you on the lesson of gratefulness to parents.

Thank you for stopping by. Have a blessed day! 

Best Regards
(28 September 2024)

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