Showing posts with label Encouragement from God's Words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Encouragement from God's Words. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

"Shew me wherefore thou contendest with me." Job 10:2 (From Charles Spurgeon's Morning and Evening, 18 Feb, Morning)

Dear Reader, 

Thank you for stopping by. I read the following recently and am reminded of God's goodness and mercies to me through the changing scenes in my life, and how He graciously and faithfully works all things to His glory and my good! The paragraphing and bold face are mine:
From Charles Spurgeon's Morning and Evening, 18 Feb, Morning 

"Shew me wherefore thou contendest with me." Job 10:2

Perhaps, O tried soul, the Lord is doing this to *develop thy graces*. 

There are some of thy graces which would never be discovered if it were not for thy trials. 

Dost thou not know that thy faith never looks so grand in summer weather as it does in winter? 

Love is too often like a glow-worm, showing but little light except it be in the midst of surrounding darkness. 

Hope itself is like a star--not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity. 

Afflictions are often the black foils in which God doth set the jewels of his children's graces, to make them shine the better. 

It was but a little while ago that on thy knees thou wast saying, "Lord, I fear I have no faith: let me know that I have faith." Was not this really, though perhaps unconsciously, praying for trials?--for how canst thou know that thou hast faith until thy faith is exercised? 

Depend upon it, God often sends us trials that our graces may be discovered, and that we may be certified of their existence. 

Besides, it is not merely discovery, real growth in grace is the result of sanctified trials. 

God often takes away our comforts and our privileges in order to make us better Christians. He trains his soldiers, not in tents of ease and luxury, but by turning them out and using them to forced marches and hard service. He makes them ford through streams, and swim through rivers, and climb mountains, and walk many a long mile with heavy knapsacks of sorrow on their backs. 

Well, Christian, may not this account for the troubles through which thou art passing? 

Is not the Lord bringing out your graces, and making them grow? 

Is not this the reason why he is contending with you?

"Trials make the promise sweet;
Trials give new life to prayer;
Trials bring me to his feet,
Lay me low, and keep me there."

If you are going through very difficult and distressing time, may God use the above to speak to you. He has a purpose in everything in our life. As Christians and God's people, we are sinners saved by grace and still living in this fallen world. One day the Lord Jesus Christ will bring His people, saved by His precious blood, to eternity where there is no more suffering, illnesses and tears. Meanwhile, in our life here, we will go through various kinds of challenges both good and bad, up and down times, and other experiences non-Christians are going through. The greatest difference is, God is our refuge and strength, when we trust in God and in the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour. God will never leave us not forsake us. The Lord is working all things for His glory, our good and the good of all His people. If you have not trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, do not delay. Today is the day of salvation! 

If you are in Singapore, please come and visit my Church, Pilgrim Covenant Church, for worship and fellowship:

Details for worship services:

Or you can join us online for Morning and Evening worship services:

Thank you for stopping by. Have a blessed day! 

Best Regards,
18 February 2025

Thursday, December 5, 2024

God is our Protector : The Lord mighty in battle. (Psalm 24:8)

Dear Reader, 

Thank you for stopping by.

I would like to share with you the following encouraging writing by CH Spurgeon in his devotional "Morning and Evening" for 3 Dec, Evening, that I read:

"The Lord mighty in battle." Psalm 24:8

Well may our God be glorious in the eyes of his people, seeing that he has wrought such wonders for them, in them, and by them. 

For them, the Lord Jesus upon Calvary routed every foe, breaking all the weapons of the enemy in pieces by his finished work of satisfactory obedience; by his triumphant resurrection and ascension he completely overturned the hopes of hell, leading captivity captive, making a show of our enemies openly, triumphing over them by his cross. 

Every arrow of guilt which Satan might have shot at us is broken, for who can lay anything to the charge of God's elect? 

Vain are the sharp swords of infernal malice, and the perpetual battles of the serpent's seed, for in the midst of the church the lame take the prey, and the feeblest warriors are crowned.

The saved may well adore their Lord for his conquests in them, since the arrows of their natural hatred are snapped, and the weapons of their rebellion broken. 

What victories has grace won in our evil hearts! 

How glorious is Jesus when the will is subdued, and sin dethroned! 

As for our remaining corruptions, they shall sustain an equally sure defeat, and every temptation, and doubt, and fear, shall be utterly destroyed. 

In the Salem of our peaceful hearts, the name of Jesus is great beyond compare: he has won our love, and he shall wear it. 

Even thus securely may we look for victories by us. 

We are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 

We shall cast down the powers of darkness which are in the world, by our faith, and zeal, and holiness; we shall win sinners to Jesus, we shall overturn false systems, we shall convert nations, for God is with us, and none shall stand before us. 

This evening let the Christian warrior chant the war song, and prepare for to-morrow's fight. 

Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world.
The full verse is:
"Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle." Psalm 24:8
(Excerpts from: CH Spurgeon, Morning and Evening, 3 December, Evening. The paragraphing are mine.)
Thank you for stopping by.  Have a blessed day! 

Best Regards,
3 December 2024

If you are in Singapore, please come and visit my Church, Pilgrim Covenant Church, for worship and fellowship:

Details for worship services:

Or you can join us online for Morning and Evening worship services:

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Photography and Bible Verse : Psalm 36:5 "Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds."

Dear Reader,

Thank you for stopping by. Photography is one of my hobby and it is therapeutic to me to express the creativity side of me and my bipolar disorder.

I like to put encouraging Bible verses unto photos which I took myself. 

I took this photo and put Psalm 36 verse 5 on it. Psalm 36:5 is one of my favorite Bible verse as it reminds me of God's mercies and faithfulness. "Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds." (King James Version / KJV).

May God enables you to know His mercies and love through the changing scenes in your life.

Thank you for stopping by. Have a blessed day! 

Best Regards
29 October 2024

If you are in Singapore, please come and visit my Church, Pilgrim Covenant Church, for worship and fellowship:

Details for worship services:

Or you can join us online for Morning and Evening worship services:

Monday, October 14, 2024

The joy of knowing the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord

Dear Reader,

Thank you for stopping by. It is raining heavily here in Singapore. Thank God for a cool morning. :-)

During my personal devotion time (quiet time) this morning, I read the following very comforting and encouraging devotional by Charles Haddon Spurgeon's Morning and Evening, 14 October, Morning.

I am reminded of the great privilege and joy God has given to me, in saving me from the eternal condemnations of sins, through the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross where He shed His blood to redeem me and all His people. By the Lord's resurrection, He had reconciled me with God. May the Lord help me to grow to love Him and His Words more and more each day, to glorify Him in my life and to continue to rejoice in Him daily.

If you too are a Christian, may the devotional below, encourage you too. If you have not trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ yet, it is my prayer that you will seek Him and know His saving grace.
"I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord." Philippians 3:8

Spiritual knowledge of Christ will be a personal knowledge. I cannot know Jesus through another person's acquaintance with him. 

No, I must know him myself; I must know him on my own account. 

It will be an intelligent knowledge--I must know him, not as the visionary dreams of him, but as the Word reveals him. 

I must know his natures, divine and human. I must know his offices--his attributes--his works--his shame--his glory.

I must meditate upon him until I "comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge." 

It will be an affectionate knowledge of him; indeed, if I know him at all, I must love him. An ounce of heart knowledge is worth a ton of head learning. 

Our knowledge of him will be a satisfying knowledge. When I know my Saviour, my mind will be full to the brim--I shall feel that I have that which my spirit panted after. "This is that bread whereof if a man eat he shall never hunger." 

At the same time it will be an exciting knowledge; the more I know of my Beloved, the more I shall want to know. The higher I climb the loftier will be the summits which invite my eager footsteps. I shall want the more as I get the more. Like the miser's treasure, my gold will make me covet more. 

To conclude; this knowledge of Christ Jesus will be a most happy one; in fact, so elevating, that sometimes it will completely bear me up above all trials, and doubts, and sorrows; and it will, while I enjoy it, make me something more than "Man that is born of woman, who is of few days, and full of trouble"; for it will fling about me the immortality of the ever living Saviour, and gird me with the golden girdle of his eternal joy. 

Come, my soul, sit at Jesus's feet and learn of him all this day.
Full verse:
"Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ," Philippians 3:8

(Excerpts from: CH Spurgeon, Morning and Evening, 14 October, Morning. The paragraphing are mine.)

To read Online:

To listen Online:

Thank you for stopping by. Have a blessed day! 

Best Regards
14 October 2024

If you are in Singapore, please come and visit my Church, Pilgrim Covenant Church, for worship and fellowship:

Details for worship services:

Or you can join us online for Morning and Evening worship services:

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Comforts and Encouragements Even amidst the Storms of Life

Dear Reader,

Thank you for stopping by. Below, is a very encouraging prayer that my friend shared with me. The prayer is quoted from a Devotional "Even amidst the storms of life!" on the website of Grace Gems. 

This prayer is very encouraging and comforting to me. It reminds me of the love of God for His beloved people who are redeemed by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His sovereignty in their life no matter what happens to them or whatever they are going through in the various changing scenes of their life. The Lord Jesus loves His people with an everlasting love and is faithfully working all things to His own glory and the good of His beloved people.

May God use this prayer and the devotional to encourage and comfort you, and for your eternal good. If you are facing difficulties and your are hurting, grieving and or in pain, may God comforts you through His Words and this devotional by Grace Gems. 

If you are not a Christian yet, may God use His Words and this Devotional to lead you to seek after the Lord Jesus, to know His saving gra, to love Him and experience His lovingkindness, tender mercies and unfailing sovereignty through the changing scenes in your life. 
"Heavenly Father,
Help me to trust in Thy unerring wisdom in all things. Remind me that Thy ways are higher than my ways, and that every situation I face is under Thy sovereign control. When I feel beaten down and discouraged, help me to meditate on Thy precious promises, and find peace in the knowledge that Thou art indeed working all things for my soul's benefit. May I learn to embrace whatever Thou ordain for me, knowing that all is for Thy glory, and my eternal good. In Jesus' name, Amen." 
The above prayer is quoted from a Devotional "Even amidst the storms of life!" on the website of Grace Gems foe 22 September 2024. It is under the category of  Puritan Devotional. The Scriptures are from Ephesians 1:3-4; Romans 8:28. 

"3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: 4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:" Ephesians 1:3-4 
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
To read the whole devotional and other devotionals on Grace Gems Website:

To listen to the audio Reading of this devotional article Online or Download it:

Thank you for stopping by. Have a blessed day! 

Best Regards
2 October 2024

If you are in Singapore, please come and visit my Church, Pilgrim Covenant Church, for worship and fellowship:

Details for worship services:

Or you can join us online for Morning and Evening worship services:

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thank God for His mercies through another year

Dear Friends,

Thank you for stopping by my Word-Filled Wednesday and Thankful Thursday post.

Thanks for all your prayers and encouragements. I thank God for everyone of you.

"Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds."  Psalm 36:5

♥ I am thankful to God for His mercies and faithfulness in seeing me through another year of knowing Him, walking with Him and serving Him. Today is my 42nd birthday :-) Yes, I am this old :-)

♥ I am thankful to God for 2 kind friends who celebrated my birthday in advance for me yesterday. They gave me a treat to a meal as well as bought me a lovely cake. They sang "Blessed Birthday" to me and we enjoyed the fellowship and food. Thank God!

♥ I am thankful to God for creating me and giving me eternal life too so that I can enjoy Him here and for eternity because of what our Lord Jesus Christ has done for us.

♥ I am thankful to God for blessing me with my family who love me, a church who loved Christ and me, and so many friends and blogging friends who love Christ and me. I thank God for each and everyone of you! May God bless you always in your kindness to me.

♥ I am thankful to God for seeing me through the past 1 year of freelance work and provided for my every need. He is Jehovah-Jireh!

♥ I am thankful to God that through working freelance He has enables me to have more time to serve Him through visiting the sick and elderly in my church, helping to update part of my church's website, prepare Mandarin Bulletin for the elderly and some publication work. It has always been my desire to give of myself more to the service of our Lord in my church and I am thankful to God that through His kind providence He has made it possible to me.

♥ I am thankful to God that through working freelance I am able to take better care of my mother and spend more time with her. I felt that I have come to know her better through the past 1 year than I have known her for the 41 years before this!

♥ I am thankful to God that through working freelance I can continue to serve Him through this blog. I know I need to pace myself moderately. So it is with much reluctance that I am taking a break from active blogging due to tiredness and over-whelming tasks on hand. I am thankful to many of you who continues to visit me and encourage me with your prayers and kind words.

My apology that I am not able to return to active blogging yet and therefore will not be able to return as many visits to you as I would like to. But know that I appreciate your visit and will remember you in prayers. I have difficulties spending too much time in front of the pc at this moment. So I will try to stop by your blog every now and then but I may not be able to read much or comment much like I used to do yet. I am praying and looking forward to come back to blogging more regularly as I do missed all of you :-) You are very dear to me.

♥ I am thankful to God for Willow and Lorie for sharing with me these 2 Awards ie. If You Ever Need a Hand, I'm Here Award and Nisha's Friendship Award.

I like to share these sweet awards with all of you who visit me, pray for me and encourage me in so many ways. Thanks for your Friendship and being here when I need you! May God bless you for your kindness to me.

Do take these Award and pass them on to your Friends who are there for you whenever you need them!

If you are in Singapore, please come and visit my Church, Pilgrim Covenant Church, for worship and fellowship:

Details for worship services:

Or you can join us online for Morning and Evening worship services:

Thank you for stopping by. Have a blessed day! 

Best Regards
23 October 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My grace is sufficient for you

Dear Friends,

Thank you for stopping by my Word-Filled Wednesday (WFW) and Thankful Thursday (TT) post. I am combining these 2 in order to share the same picture and verse for WFW with my TT friends.

(My brother took this lovely photo at Muriwai Beach, Western Auckland, New Zealand.)

And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee:
for my strength is made perfect in weakness.
Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities,
that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
2 Corinthians 12:9

♥ Thank God that He has promised in His Word that His grace is sufficient for us! As we face many challenges daily, we can take comfort in the assurance that God will give us grace to go through them. Are you overwhelmed today by your circumstances or challenges or difficulties? May God's precious promise encourage and strengthen your heart as you press on in His strength!

♥ I thank God that He has granted me much grace and strength in these recent weeks of many challenges. As I recover from my relapse of my illness, I am facing much challenges of pacing myself moderately while coping with family, church, work, blogging and other commitments. Thank God that day by day I am learning that His grace is sufficient for me. Though I am weak, He is strong and His strength is made perfect in my weaknesses!

♥ I thank God that He has given me much grace to serve Him through blogging. I am in the midst of praying and making some changes to my blog. Due to the terrible stigma that is still associated with mental illness in my country, I have changed my photo to a new picture of a beach. This is to protect my privacy. As I am seeking ways to earn a living to support my mother and myself, I felt compel to make this change.

I have also created this new blog. If you notice, this is actually a new blog ( with a copy of all my previous posts. I intend to post all my full posts on this blog from now onwards.

I will post short excerpts of my full posts on my original blog at for the benefit of my readers who are not able to read my full post. I realized that sometimes I post very long and my readers may not have the time to read my full post. So my excerpts will hopefully benefit these readers.

♥ I thank God for my family, church, friends and every one of you my blogging friends and visitors.

♥ I am thankful to God for the prayers and encouragements of so many of you! It is my joy and privilege to meet all of you through blogging! I am greatly blessed and encouraged by many of you. Thank you for your friendships!

May you find rest in God's love, mercies and sufficient grace in whatever you may go through today and every day :)

For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do
visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you.

For more participants of Thankful Thursday, do visit Iris at Sting My Heart.

Thank you for stopping by. Thanks for your encouragements. Hope you have a blessed day!

Recent posts:

Video on "Depression - A Stubborn Darkness" by Edward T Welch (M4M)

The Faithfulness of Divine Love because the Lord is my Shepherd (FFF & TSMSS)

Come unto me.... and I will give you rest
(WFW & TT)

Depression and bipolar disorder are illnesses just like any other (M4M)

Amazing Grace (FFF & TSMSS)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Come unto me...and I will give you rest

Dear Friends,

For this week, I am adding my Thankful Thursday to Word-Filled Wednesday in order to share the same picture and verse with my Thankful Thursday's friends.

Matthew 11

28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

♥ Thank God that we can go to Him whenever we are heavy laden, and He gives us peace and rest!

♥ Thank God that He is sovereignly in control of all things. And this time of great uncertainties with the hurricane, tornadoes, other natural disasters, sicknesses, financial crisis, etc all over the world, we can go to Him with all our cares and anxieties and find rest in Him.

"Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

♥ Let us pray for all those that are affected by the hurricane, tornadoes, other natural disasters, sicknesses, financial crisis, etc all over the world, that they may come to know our Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord in this time of great needs. May God protect, provide and comfort His people who are affected by these.

♥ I am thankful to God that my review with my Doctor went very well yesterday. Thank God that so far my condition is stable and my Doctor is pleased with the progress. Thank God for providing me with a compassionate, caring and kind Doctor who is doing all her best to help me learn to manage my condition. Thank you for all your prayers and encouragements.

♥ I thank God for my family, church, friends and every one of you my blogging friends and visitors.

May you find rest in God's love, mercies and faithfulness in whatever you may go through today and every day :)

For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do
visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you.

For more participants of Thankful Thursday, do visit Iris at Sting My Heart.

Thank you for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements. Hope you have a blessed day!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday : Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens

(I took this picture at Singapore River during an outing last week.)
Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds. Psalm 36:5

Thank God for His love, mercies and faithfulness that are so abounding!

Today I am delighted to share with you the mercies and faithfulness of God to Emily!

Last Wednesday, I shared that my friend, Peggy, has started "Mission 4 Monday" and while visiting M4M blogs, I came across Liza's Eyeview. Liza shared about her friend Emily who was hit by car on a Wednesday afternoon 2 weeks ago. Thank you for praying for Emily. Thank God for His mercies and faithfulness to Emily. On Saturday, 6 September, Emily was moved out of the ICU. On Monday, 8 September, Emily was able to have her breakfast at the courtyard and able to make some phone calls.

Emily's mother, Linda wrote,

"....Early this morning, when just Emily and I were awake, she was thanking the Lord and asking Him to use her. When I reminded her that He was using her in a mighty way thru her blog to thousands of people around the world, she nodded her head and said,"ok". I am constantly reminded of God's grace, goodness, faithfulness and powerful love in watching each small and large step that Emily is taking. Thank you for all the kind words but most of all your prayers. Each of us are witnesses to God's deep, deep love for his children. May He richly bless each of your lives.

In His Son's Worthy Name,
It is encouraging to read of how Emily is thinking of serving the Lord and asking Him to use her even in her affliction now! Praise God for using this accident to be a testimony of His mercies, goodness and faithfulness. Thank God for Liza's labour of love in setting up Praying For Emily blog so that we can witness God's mercies and faithfulness to those who love Him (Romans 8:28). Do visit Praying For Emily, if you have time, for the encouraging report of God's goodness to Emily and see some sweet photos of Emily and her loved ones. Leave a note to encourage them, if you can, and to rejoice with them over God's mercies and faithfulness.

We serve a Great God Who is greater than any circumstances in our life. He is a God that hears our prayers and delight to answer it according to His mercies! What a mercy that we can come before our Heavenly Father's throne of grace daily to cast all our anxieties and care upon Him and to find strength, grace, joy and peace for each day to walk with Him and serve Him.

May you continue to know God's mercies and faithfulness in many wonderful ways daily :)

For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do
visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you.

Thank you for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements. Hope you have a blessed day!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday : Call unto me and I will answer thee

"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Jeremiah 33:3"

Thank God for giving us the privilege of prayers that we can come to Him and cast all our cares and anxieties upon Him knowing that He loves us and cares for us.

Thank God that He hears and answers our prayers according to His wills that is best for us. He often works in very wonderful ways, far beyond our expectations!

Thanks for your prayers for me, dear friends. Thank God for continuing to strengthen me daily.

I don't usually post long for WFW but today I would like to take this opportunity to requests your prayers for the following. Do join me in prayers, if you can.

1) Yesterday I shared about Emily and requested for prayers for her and family. Thanks for praying for Emily and her family.

For those of you who are not aware, my friend, Peggy, has just started a new meme on Monday called "Mission 4 Monday". The purpose of MISSION 4 MONDAY is to share YOUR MISSION each week. I am so thankful that I can participate in Mission 4 Monday. I posted my first Mission 4 Monday yesterday entitled "Trust during rough times".

While visiting Mission 4 Monday blogs, I came across Liza's Eyeview. Liza shared about her friend Emily who was hit by car last Wednesday afternoon. She was in a crosswalk, almost on the sidewalk, when a car suddenly struck her causing her to "fly" 40 to 45 feet unconscious and land on a curb!Emily suffered multiple fractures. When she first arrived at the emergency room, the initial prognosis was dim. Her case was called "severe".

Liza has kindly developed a new blog for Emily called Praying For Emily. Thank God that a surgery done on Saturday went well. Thank God that on Monday 1st Sept, the ventilator was successfully taken off so Emily is breathing on her own. Emily is off sedation although she is not fully conscious yet. She is being given morphine to help ease pain. Doctors are intending to remove her feeding tube. They would like to try feeding her and let her swallow on her own.

I just read the latest update as at Tuesday 2nd Sept. Thank God that Emily has regained consciousness and even spoke a few words! Praise God! Emily's mum, Linda, has written a very touching and beautiful testimony of God's goodness and mercies to them over the last one week since Emily's accident. Do read about it at Praying For Emily if you have time. You will be greatly encouraged.

I would like to request that we continue to keep Emily and her family in prayers during this trying time. May our gracious Lord Jesus Christ preserve and restore Emily according to His mercies and grace. May He grant the Doctors and other medical professionals much wisdom to treat Emily. May our good Lord also comfort and strengthen Emily's family and friends as they commit her to Him and look to Him together for Emily's preservation and restoration. May we unite our hearts in prayers and bring this family before our Heavenly Father's throne of grace as often as we can.

Do visit Praying For Emily for latest update and send your encouragements to this family, if you can. They need as much support as possible in this crucial time. May God continue to shower His love, mercies and comfort upon Emily, her family and friends.

2) Continue to pray for US and other places that are affected by typhoon and other natural disasters. Continue to pray also for Thailand and other places where there are riots, strike and other unrest. Pray that God will protect and preserve His children from harm and danger, and many unbelievers will turn to God in this time of crisis and find hope and salvation in God. Also pray that there will be peace upon the people and their countries, and all their needs being met in many wonderful ways.

Thank God for the privilege that we can pray for one another through all the changing scenes in life, knowing that God loves us and He will work His best for us. With God all things are possible. He is able to heal and restore us and provide for our every need. He may deliver us from danger or give us sufficient grace to sustain us in the afflictions and trials in life. May His will be done as we are fully assured that His will is always the best. May God's name be greatly magnified in the salvation of sinners and preservation of His people.

Thank you for praying with me!

May you continue to know God's everlasting love and goodness in many wonderful ways daily :)

For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do
visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you.

Thank you for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements. Hope you have a blessed day!

(I took this picture near my home one one of my brisk walk session.)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday : I have loved you with an everlasting love

The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying,
Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love:
therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.
Jeremiah 31:3

Nothing is more powerful to engage our affection than to find that we are beloved! Expression of kindness and love are usually pleasing and acceptable unto us irrespective of who expresses it to us.

But to have the love of One Who is altogether lovely, to know that the glorious Majesty of heaven hath any regard unto us, how must this astonish and delight us, how must it overcome our spirits and melt our hearts, and put our whole soul into a flame!

Thank God for His everlasting and immeasurable love for us! It will take me a lifetime to try and comprehend it, and even then I may not fully understand it!

May you continue to know God's everlasting love and goodness in many wonderful ways daily :)

For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do
visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you.

Thank you for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements. Hope you have a blessed day!

(I took this picture at a Flower exhibition in Singapore)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday : The LORD's name to be praised

From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD's name is to be praised. Psalm 113:3

Thank God for each day that we can wake up to praise Him and serve Him!

May we lift up our souls in praise and thanksgiving to God daily for His love and goodness in many wonderful ways !

For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you.

Thank you for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements. Hope you have a blessed day!

(My friend and sister-in-Christ, Sau, took this picture at Saipan)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday : All things work together for good

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

This is my comfort through all the changing scenes in life. No matter what we go through whether joy or pain, God is able to work them for His glory and our good.

May this truth strengthen your heart and may you know God's love and guidance in many wonderful ways today and everyday!

For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you.

Thank you for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements. Hope you have a blessed day!

(I took this photo at Hort Park, Singapore)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday : We are of more value than many sparrows

Matthew 10
29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.

This passage of Scriptures brings a lot of comfort to me whenever I read it.

Thank God that He loves us dearly and watch over us daily. He know all about us and what we are going through. Even the hairs on our head are numbered!

God takes feed the sparrow and clothe the lilies. He is with us always and bid us fear not as we are of more value than many sparrows.

May this wonderful knowledge strengthen our hearts each day, as we strive to live for our Lord and serve Him, through all the changing scenes in life.

For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you.

Thank you for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements. Hope you have a blessed day!

(This photo is taken by my friend and brother-in-Christ, CW Fong. Thank God for his kindness to share this photo with us)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday : The LORD is my strength and song

The LORD is my strength and song. (Psalm 118:14)

Thank God that we can look to our Lord Jesus Christ each day and find our strength and joy in Him Who loved us and gave His life for us.

May this be our comfort and encouragement always!

For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do
visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you.

Thank you for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements. Hope you have a blessed day!

(I took this photo at a Flower Exhibition at Sentosa Island, Singapore)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday : Be still, and know that I am God.

Be still, and know that I am God... Psalm 46:10

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear...Psalm 46:1

No matter what we go through in this life, may we always find peace and comfort in the Lord because He is our God! May this be our comfort today and everyday!

For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do
visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you.

Thank you for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements. Hope you have a blessed day!

(I took this photo at East Coast Beach, Singapore)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday : Never forsaken

I have been young, and now am old: yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. Psalm 37:25

I am learning to cling onto God's precious promises and His love and faithfulness in keeping them.

This is one of God's precious promises which especially encourages me in these recent days.

Thank God for the assurance of His love and care upon us through all the changing scenes in life, from our youth to our old age, and for ourselves and our children.

For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you!

Thank you for stopping by. Hope you have a blessed day!

(I took this picture at East Coast Beach, Singapore)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

He carry the Lambs in His bosom

I read this encouraging devotional this evening and was reminded once again of God's love and care upon us.

In these recent weeks of poorer health, I am thankful to God that He is keeping me near to Him and strengthening me daily.

In my many years of struggles with bipolar disorder, depression, stress, panic attacks, etc etc, I am very conscious of my own weaknesses.

Some friends have told me over the years too that they think I am very weak.

Some friends think I am very weak physically because I am easily tired and can't endure as much hardness as them.

Some friends think I am very weak mentally because they know I struggled with several prolonged clinical depression over the last few years. To them suffering from depression shows a weakness of mind and character. They have no knowledge or understanding of clinical depression or mood disorders.

Some friends think I am very weak spiritually because they know I have many struggles while they live a relatively carefree life with little struggle or difficulties. To them having struggles in life shows a lack of faith in God. They have little understanding that we are through much tribulation to enter into the kingdom of God and we are in a spiritual warfare daily.

I know I am weak in many ways. And I am thankful that there is One Who will always love me no matter how weak I am. In fact because I am weak, He is especially tender towards me. Because I am weak, His strength is made perfect in my weakness. This person is my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank God for carrying me in His bosom and enabling me to know His love and presence with me.

Today, if you are hurting, depressed, lonely, forsaken or suffering in some ways, know that there is One Who loves us tenderly. Our Lord Jesus Christ laid down His life on the cross for us to save us from our sins and we are precious to Him. Call upon Him and He will answer you. Like a lamb, He will carry you in His bosom. He will never leave you nor forsake you.
“He shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom.” - Isaiah 40:11

Who is he of whom such gracious words are spoken?


Why doth he carry the lambs in his bosom?

Because He hath a tender heart, and any weakness at once melts his heart.

The sighs, the ignorance, the feebleness of the little ones of his flock draw forth his compassion. It is his office, as a faithful High Priest, to consider the weak.

Besides, he purchased them with blood, they are his property: he must and will care for that which cost him so dear. Then he is responsible for each lamb, bound by covenant engagements not to lose one. Moreover, they are all a part of his glory and reward.

But how may we understand the expression, “He will carry them”?

Sometimes he carries them by not permitting them to endure much trial. Providence deals tenderly with them.

Often they are “carried” by being filled with an unusual degree of love, so that they bear up and stand fast. Though their knowledge may not be deep, they have great sweetness in what they do know.

Frequently he “carries” them by giving them a very simple faith, which takes the promise just as it stands, and believingly runs with every trouble straight to Jesus. The simplicity of their faith gives them an unusual degree of confidence, which carries them above the world.

“He carries the lambs in his bosom.”

Here is boundless affection. Would he put them in his bosom if he did not love them much?

Here is tender nearness: so near are they, that they could not possibly be nearer.

Here is hallowed familiarity: there are precious love-passages between Christ and his weak ones.

Here is perfect safety: in his bosom who can hurt them? They must hurt the Shepherd first.

Here is perfect rest and sweetest comfort. Surely we are not sufficiently sensible of the infinite tenderness of Jesus!

(Taken from CH Spurgeon's Morning and Evening, 14 May, Evening)

May you know God's love in very many wonderful ways today.

Thanks for stopping by. God bless!

Word-Filled Wednesday : I am with you always

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. ...lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:18-20

The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. Jeremiah 31:3
Thank God that He is with us always and He loves us with an everlasting love.

For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and spiritually uplifting experience for you!

Thank you for stopping by. Hope you have a blessed day!

(This photo is taken by my friend and brother-in-Christ, CW Fong. Thank God for his kindness to share this photo with us)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday : the LORD sustained me (Psalm 3:5)

I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me. Psalm 3:5
Thank God for restful night and each new day that we can walk with our Lord and serve Him.

One of my friends and sister-in-Christ, Joyce L., gave me this lovely gift. She put the pieces of jigsaw puzzles together and frame it up.

I scanned the picture and put in this Bible verse that reminds me the Lord sustains me while I am sleeping or when I am awake.

For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and spiritually uplifting experience for you!

Thank you for stopping by. Hope you have a blessed day!