Showing posts with label My grace is sufficient for thee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My grace is sufficient for thee. Show all posts

Friday, January 21, 2022

My grace is sufficient for thee

Dear Friends, Thanks again for all your visits, prayers and encouragements. My condition fluctuates recently and I am still learning to look to our Lord Jesus Christ for grace and strength daily, and learning to pace myself moderately. Thank you very much for all your kind words. They really touched my heart and assured me of God's love and presence through all of you. May God bless you abundantly! My apology that I am not able to return to active blogging yet. But I do miss all of you very much and you are in my prayers. Will try to visit you soon! This morning I re-read one of CH Spurgeons' devotional from his Morning and Evening on 4th March, and the Lord encouraged me to continue to trust in His all-sufficient grace.
“My grace is sufficient for thee.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 IF none of God’s saints were poor and tried, we should not know half so well the consolations of divine grace. When we find the wanderer who has not where to lay his head, who yet can say, “Still will I trust in the Lord;” when we see the pauper starving on bread and water, who still glories in Jesus; when we see the bereaved widow overwhelmed in affliction, and yet having faith in Christ, oh, what honor it reflects on the gospel! God’s grace is illustrated and magnified in the poverty and trials of believers. Saints bear up under every discouragement, believing that all things work together for their good, and that out of apparent evils a real blessing shall ultimately spring—that their God will either work a deliverance for them speedily, or most assuredly support them in the trouble, as long as He is pleased to keep them in it. This patience of the saints proves the power of divine grace. There is a lighthouse out at sea: it is a calm night—I cannot tell whether the edifice is firm; the tempest must rage about it, and then I shall know whether it will stand. So with the Spirit’s work: if it were not on many occasions surrounded with tempestuous waters, we should not know that it was true and strong; if the winds did not blow upon it, we should not know how firm and secure it was. The master-works of God are those men who stand in the midst of difficulties, stedfast, unmoveable,— “Calm 'mid the bewildering cry, Confident of victory.” He who would glorify his God must set his account upon meeting with many trials. No man can be illustrious before the Lord unless his conflicts be many. If, then, yours be a much-tried path, rejoice in it, because you will the better show forth the all-sufficient grace of God. As for His failing you, never dream of it—hate the thought. The God who has been sufficient until now should be trusted to the end. Taken from CH Spurgeon's Morning and Evening, 4 March, Morning
Thanks again for stopping by. May God grant you a very blessed day and weekend. Take care! 

If you are in Singapore, please come and visit my Church, Pilgrim Covenant Church, for worship and fellowship:

Details for worship services:

Or you can join us online for Morning and Evening worship services:

Warm Regards,
(First posted on 13 Mar 2009)


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My grace is sufficient for you

Dear Friends,

Thank you for stopping by my Word-Filled Wednesday (WFW) and Thankful Thursday (TT) post. I am combining these 2 in order to share the same picture and verse for WFW with my TT friends.

(My brother took this lovely photo at Muriwai Beach, Western Auckland, New Zealand.)

And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee:
for my strength is made perfect in weakness.
Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities,
that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
2 Corinthians 12:9

♥ Thank God that He has promised in His Word that His grace is sufficient for us! As we face many challenges daily, we can take comfort in the assurance that God will give us grace to go through them. Are you overwhelmed today by your circumstances or challenges or difficulties? May God's precious promise encourage and strengthen your heart as you press on in His strength!

♥ I thank God that He has granted me much grace and strength in these recent weeks of many challenges. As I recover from my relapse of my illness, I am facing much challenges of pacing myself moderately while coping with family, church, work, blogging and other commitments. Thank God that day by day I am learning that His grace is sufficient for me. Though I am weak, He is strong and His strength is made perfect in my weaknesses!

♥ I thank God that He has given me much grace to serve Him through blogging. I am in the midst of praying and making some changes to my blog. Due to the terrible stigma that is still associated with mental illness in my country, I have changed my photo to a new picture of a beach. This is to protect my privacy. As I am seeking ways to earn a living to support my mother and myself, I felt compel to make this change.

I have also created this new blog. If you notice, this is actually a new blog ( with a copy of all my previous posts. I intend to post all my full posts on this blog from now onwards.

I will post short excerpts of my full posts on my original blog at for the benefit of my readers who are not able to read my full post. I realized that sometimes I post very long and my readers may not have the time to read my full post. So my excerpts will hopefully benefit these readers.

♥ I thank God for my family, church, friends and every one of you my blogging friends and visitors.

♥ I am thankful to God for the prayers and encouragements of so many of you! It is my joy and privilege to meet all of you through blogging! I am greatly blessed and encouraged by many of you. Thank you for your friendships!

May you find rest in God's love, mercies and sufficient grace in whatever you may go through today and every day :)

For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do
visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you.

For more participants of Thankful Thursday, do visit Iris at Sting My Heart.

Thank you for stopping by. Thanks for your encouragements. Hope you have a blessed day!

Recent posts:

Video on "Depression - A Stubborn Darkness" by Edward T Welch (M4M)

The Faithfulness of Divine Love because the Lord is my Shepherd (FFF & TSMSS)

Come unto me.... and I will give you rest
(WFW & TT)

Depression and bipolar disorder are illnesses just like any other (M4M)

Amazing Grace (FFF & TSMSS)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday : My grace is sufficient for thee

For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and spiritually uplifting experience for you!

My brother took this lovely photo at Muriwai Beach, Western Auckland, New Zealand.

Thank God for His reminders through His Words and His providence daily that He cares for us. He has promised in His Words in 2 Corinthians 12:9 that His grace is sufficient for us. This is a tremendous encouragement to me in this pilgrim journey. Even as a Christian, I continue to face various and many challenges in life just like every one else. I go through time of wellness, sickness, success, failures, happiness, disappointments, life, death, etc etc etc too.

Being a Christian does not exempt me from the trials and difficulties in this life. Having bipolar disorder or manic-depressive illness, can make life very difficult for myself and others. The greatest comfort for me in this personal trial, is that God loves me and is sovereignly in control of every situation in my life and His grace is sufficient for me. Even in allowing me to have bipolar disorder, His love and faithfulness remains unchanging. In fact, it is through my struggles with the 11 or so severe depression episodes over the last 20 years, that I am drawn closer to God to know Him and His love better. I have found His promises to be true and His grace sufficient as He promised It is God that sustained me through many painful and prolonged suffering from clinical depression. At times when I am confused by what I was going through and others could not understand either, the Lord has kept me in the palm of His hands. In His love alone, I found that enduring and unconditional love. It gives me the strength to face each day.

Thank God that He is with us always. He will continue to give us the grace to walk with Him and serve Him, even if we have to go through the valley of the shadow of death at times. And when our tasks here are accomplished, we have the blessed hope of being with Him forever to enjoy His love and fellowship for all eternity. What a blessed hope!

Meanwhile, let us press on joyfully in His strength daily. When we are weak, He is strong and His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. Praise Him!

Hope this verse will encourage you today and everyday. May you continue to know God's grace that is sufficient for you through all the changing scenes in life and His love that is unchanging and everlasting. Have a blessed day!

I use this photo to make the following Bookmarks. If you wish to make the bookmark yourself, you can download the respective Free Bookmark Template.

1) 2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for thee".

Download Free Bookmark Template: free-bookmarks-2cor12v9.doc

Check out Free instructions on how to make Bookmarks.

2) Friendship quote:

If you love something, set if free.
If it comes back to you, it's yours.
If it doesn't, it was never meant to be.

Download Free Bookmark Template: free-bookmarks-muriwai-beach.doc

Check out Free instructions on how to make Bookmarks.

3) Chinese Bible verse for 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for thee”.

In Chinese this verse is read as 我的恩典够你用的 (Pinyin : de ēn diǎn gòu yòng de)

Download Free Chinese Bookmark Template :




Check out Free instructions on how to make Bookmarks.


Check out more Free Bookmarks Templates at my Homemade Bookmarks Hobby Blog.

Have a blessed day!