Showing posts with label Precious Promises of God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Precious Promises of God. Show all posts

Thursday, September 19, 2024

The great Promises of God in His Words, the Bible, for comfort and encouragement in Christian life

Dear Reader,

Thank you for stopping by. Below, is a sharing from a very comforting and encouraging excerpts taken from the Devotional by Charles Haddon Spurgeon's Morning and Evening, 19 September, Morning.

May God encouraged and comfort you too as He guide you through the various changing scenes in your life. If you are facing difficulties and your are hurting, grieving and or in pain, may God comforts you through His Words and this devotional by CH Spurgeon:

"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." Galatians 5:1 (KJV Bible, King James Bible)

This "liberty" makes us free to heaven's charter--the Bible. 

Here is a choice passage, believer, "When thou passest through the rivers, I will be with thee." You are free to that. 

Here is another: "The mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed, but my kindness shall not depart from thee"; you are free to that. 

You are a welcome guest at the table of the promises. Scripture is a never-failing treasury filled with boundless stores of grace. It is the bank of heaven; you may draw from it as much as you please, without let or hindrance. 

Come in faith and you are welcome to all covenant blessings. There is not a promise in the Word which shall be withheld. In the depths of tribulations let this freedom comfort you; amidst waves of distress let it cheer you; when sorrows surround thee let it be thy solace. This is thy Father's love-token; thou art free to it at all times. 

Thou art also free to the throne of grace. It is the believer's privilege to have access at all times to his heavenly Father. Whatever our desires, our difficulties, our wants, we are at liberty to spread all before him. It matters not how much we may have sinned, we may ask and expect pardon. It signifies nothing how poor we are, we may plead his promise that he will provide all things needful. We have permission to approach his throne at all times--in midnight's darkest hour, or in noontide's most burning heat. Exercise thy right, O believer, and live up to thy privilege. 

Thou art free to all that is treasured up in Christ--wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. It matters not what thy need is, for there is fulness of supply in Christ, and it is there for thee. 

O what a "freedom" is thine! freedom from condemnation, freedom to the promises, freedom to the throne of grace, and at last freedom to enter heaven!
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If you are in Singapore, please come and visit my Church, Pilgrim Covenant Church, for worship and fellowship:

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Thank you for stopping by. Have a blessed day! 

Best Regards
(19 September 2024)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday : Never forsaken

I have been young, and now am old: yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. Psalm 37:25

I am learning to cling onto God's precious promises and His love and faithfulness in keeping them.

This is one of God's precious promises which especially encourages me in these recent days.

Thank God for the assurance of His love and care upon us through all the changing scenes in life, from our youth to our old age, and for ourselves and our children.

For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you!

Thank you for stopping by. Hope you have a blessed day!

(I took this picture at East Coast Beach, Singapore)