Earlier this month, a good friend of mine, who is also my sister-in-Christ in my church, offered to give me some freelance job assignment. She is herself also a freelancer. Thank God that by His providence, she has been having increasing projects this month and felt the need to get some help. She thought of me and has kindly asked me to help her. There will not be a fixed income but rather she will pay me per project. Thank God for His provision through her.
Just yesterday, another 2 friends of mine whom I did some freelance work for previously, also approached me to do a short project for them. I am doing some transcribing work for them. They have send me some taped messages, and I am listening to these messages and transcribing them by typing them out in MicroSoft Word document. Thank God that I am able to work from home at my own pace! Praise God for His faithfulness in providing another means to earn a living.
There is still a terrible stigma associated with mental illnesses in Singapore. Finding a fulltime job has been difficult for me. I am thankful for my formal diagnosis of proneness to bipolar disorder last year as it enables me to understand my confusing past, and to find helps to manage my condition so that I am more functional and useful for the Lord and society. But with the formal diagnosis also came the difficulties to look for a job. I am required to declare my health status in the Job Application forms when I go for Job interviews. So far my experiences have been, whenever I declare my health status, I no longer hear from these employers.
Thank God that He is able to provide for our every need. Despite the difficulties of finding a job, the Lord has provided through freelance job assignments. For these freelance work, I am not required to declare my health condition. Thank God that I am able to continue to use my skills to serve Him in these freelance jobs.
It is a great encouragement to me that despite my condition, I can still be useful for the Lord and can contribute towards the ministry in the church as well as work in the society. I just pray that the Lord will enable me to glorify Him wherever He places me, and He will grant me much wisdom, strength and joy to serve Him at work. I do need to remember to pace myself slowly and take breaks in between my work.

I took this picture at East Coast Beach, Singapore
"I have been young and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." Psalm 37:25
To see more of the photos I have taken, visit my "Around Singapore" blog where I share some photos and some places of interest in Singapore :-)