Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday : Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens

(I took this picture at Singapore River during an outing last week.)
Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds. Psalm 36:5

Thank God for His love, mercies and faithfulness that are so abounding!

Today I am delighted to share with you the mercies and faithfulness of God to Emily!

Last Wednesday, I shared that my friend, Peggy, has started "Mission 4 Monday" and while visiting M4M blogs, I came across Liza's Eyeview. Liza shared about her friend Emily who was hit by car on a Wednesday afternoon 2 weeks ago. Thank you for praying for Emily. Thank God for His mercies and faithfulness to Emily. On Saturday, 6 September, Emily was moved out of the ICU. On Monday, 8 September, Emily was able to have her breakfast at the courtyard and able to make some phone calls.

Emily's mother, Linda wrote,

"....Early this morning, when just Emily and I were awake, she was thanking the Lord and asking Him to use her. When I reminded her that He was using her in a mighty way thru her blog to thousands of people around the world, she nodded her head and said,"ok". I am constantly reminded of God's grace, goodness, faithfulness and powerful love in watching each small and large step that Emily is taking. Thank you for all the kind words but most of all your prayers. Each of us are witnesses to God's deep, deep love for his children. May He richly bless each of your lives.

In His Son's Worthy Name,
It is encouraging to read of how Emily is thinking of serving the Lord and asking Him to use her even in her affliction now! Praise God for using this accident to be a testimony of His mercies, goodness and faithfulness. Thank God for Liza's labour of love in setting up Praying For Emily blog so that we can witness God's mercies and faithfulness to those who love Him (Romans 8:28). Do visit Praying For Emily, if you have time, for the encouraging report of God's goodness to Emily and see some sweet photos of Emily and her loved ones. Leave a note to encourage them, if you can, and to rejoice with them over God's mercies and faithfulness.

We serve a Great God Who is greater than any circumstances in our life. He is a God that hears our prayers and delight to answer it according to His mercies! What a mercy that we can come before our Heavenly Father's throne of grace daily to cast all our anxieties and care upon Him and to find strength, grace, joy and peace for each day to walk with Him and serve Him.

May you continue to know God's mercies and faithfulness in many wonderful ways daily :)

For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do
visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you.

Thank you for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements. Hope you have a blessed day!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Finding meaning in a life with mood disorder

My friend, Peggy, has just started "Mission 4 Monday".

The purpose of MISSION 4 MONDAY is to share YOUR MISSION each week.

I am thankful to God that I can continue to serve Him through this blog.

One of the missions of my blog is to share with others God's goodness and mercies to me in managing clinical depression and bipolar disorder, as well as resources that will benefit a person with a mood disorder and information for their family and loved ones.

Last week, I shared an article "Trust during rough times" which is an excerpt taken from a new book "A Firm Place to Stand" written by my friend and fellow blogger, Marja Bergen. Marja is also the author of "Riding the Roller Coaster: Living with Mood Disorders".

Today, I like to share another very encouraging article written by Marja for entitled "Finding meaning in a life with bipolar disorder". It is a personal testimonies of how God has enabled Marja to find meaning in a life with bipolar disorder. This article is reproduced here with Marja's kind permission.

Bipolar Disorder or previously known as manic-depressive illness is a mood disorder with extreme mood swings ie. manic/hypomanic and depression. It is a medical condition that can be treated.

It is possible for people with mood disorders such as bipolar disorder, clinical depression and other mood disorders to live a close to normal life with medical helps and other helps. Support from family and friends are crucial to their recovery and well-being too.

I am thankful to God that with medical and other helps, I am able to live a more functional and productive life.

It is my prayers that resources and testimonies shared on this blog will continue to benefit people with mood disorders and their family/friends who love them.

Finding meaning in a life with bipolar disorder
by Marja Bergen

Mental illness is not all bad. I have lived with bipolar disorder for over forty years and have found it has many benefits. I couldn’t imagine living without it and am not at all unhappy with my life. In many ways, I value what this illness has made possible for me.

With effective medication to keep symptoms under control, people with bipolar disorder can live a close-to-normal life. Yes, moods will fluctuate and cause occasional problems, and treatment will need adjustment. Suffering will always be part of my life. But I accept the way God, the Great Potter, made me. I am rich on many levels.

Like many people with this disorder, I am very creative. I receive a lot of pleasure from photography and using my imagination. The deep emotions I experience, although painful, are a source of richness; I feel completely human. My frequent hard times have helped me appreciate the good times and I make the most of them. Spiritually, I’m stronger for having had to deal with great trials. The fires I’ve passed through have refined me.

Most of all, I appreciate the compassion I am able to have for others who suffer from depression and other mental health issues. Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 1: 4 hold true for me. I praise God “who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received.” God has shown me his love, and I want to pass that love on to others.

Over the past few years, I’ve been fortunate to be part of a church community that has supported me and helped me grow spiritually. With the Christ-like love they have shown me, I have come to understand how great God’s love is. In turn, I now help others through a support group and one-on-one, in person and through my blog. I feel fulfilled. The language of suffering I’ve learned helps me connect with people in trouble. I am able to understand them in a way many others could not.

I feel a bit like Patch Adams in the Robyn Williams film. While Patch is a patient in a psychiatric hospital, he discovers his ability to connect with people. He learns to understand his severely disturbed roommate to see the person behind the illness and helps him through his problems. Not only does this delight Patch, it makes him a well man.

Patch eagerly tells his doctor he is well and needs to leave the hospital. I connected to another human being, he said. I want to do more of that. I want to learn about people. I want to help them with their troubles. I want to really listen to people. Connecting with other people gave Patch joy. It gives me joy, too. When God places you in this role a role he made for you joy happens. Walking with people through some of their toughest times is rewarding and a privilege.

Bipolar disorder will always be with me, and I suffer many high and low moods. But, I don’t feel I’m a victim of the disease. God has helped me find a way to make my illness work for me instead of against me.

‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ (Jeremiah 29:11) God has a plan for each of us. Though we might have a severe illness such as bipolar disorder, God has work for us to do. Eventually, we can use what God has given us even the bad and turn it into something good.

Marja Bergen is the author of Riding the Roller Coaster: Living with Mood Disorders (Northstone, 1999) and a new book for Christians about living successfully with bipolar disorder (to appear). She is the founder of Living Room, a faith-based Mood Disorders Association of BC support group. Her blog,, deals with mental health and faith issues. She can be reached at

This article is published on the website of and reproduced here with the kind permission of Marja.

Here are some information about these 2 very useful books written by Marja:
Books by Marja Bergen:

1) Riding the Roller Coaster: Living with Mood Disorders

Mood disorders, such as depression and manic depression, affect up to 10% of the population. Marja Bergen is one of those people. Over the 30 years that she has had manic depression, she has gradually adopted a lifestyle that makes it possible not only to cope, but to live a full and productive life. In Riding the Roller Coaster, she shares very practical tips on such things as escaping the blues before they grab you, what to do when you don't feel like doing anything, and keeping life stable.

Reviews in the Media

Mood Disorders Association of BC

Robert Winram, Executive Director
This excellent first person account is filled with encouragement for those managing mood disorders. It delivers understanding, insight and very tangible strategies on how to overcome the difficulties of depression and manic depression. Marja Bergen gives us a very human perspective drawn from her experiences. Her path to recovery is exciting and positive.

Burnaby NOW
Annie Boulanger
The publication of her book is very timely as there are indications that mood disorders are a growing problem in the workplace.

Personal vignettes and real-life examples abound in Bergen's book, including frank descriptions of her own history, from her first treatments in Riverview, to problems adjusting medications in later years.

The book is easy to read, and while Bergen's style is warm and encouraging, it is also clearly written from her own experience.

The book is not only helpful to sufferers of mood disorder related illnesses, but also to their families to understand what it is that their family member is undergoing.

2) A Firm Place to Stand : Finding meaning in a life with Bipolar Disorder

"A Firm Place to Stand is a must-read for Christians who struggle with mental health challenges and the faith communities who minister to them.

For too long, society has misunderstood and feared individuals who live with mood disorders. This book dispels the lingering stigma attached to mental health conditions and encourages people to lovingly welcome the sufferers into congregations by understanding them better and supporting them in practical ways.

Most importantly, for the sufferers themselves, A Firm Place to Stand shows that it is possible to have a mental disorder yet be close to God and derive strong support from a growing relationship with Christ.

In her sincere and candid style, Marja Bergen reflects on her forty-two years with bipolar disorder, showing how faith in God can help a person with a serious illness turn weakness into strength. She describes how God transformed her from an insecure, withdrawn person into a leader, an activist, and the founder of Living Room, the growing Christian support group for people with mood disorders."

If you are keen to buy these 2 books by Marja, do check out Marja's new website.

Do visit Marja's blog, if you can, and get to know her. You will be greatly encouraged by her.

Hope the above article and resources are helpful to you or your loved ones/friends with mood disorders.

May God continue to enable us to know His love and mercies through all the changing scenes in life. May God enable us to love, pray and support our loved ones/friends with mental illness or mood disorders, and reflect Christ's love and compassion for His suffering people.

Thanks again for stopping by! Thanks for all your prayers and encouragements!

Take care and God bless :)

For more Mission 4 Monday posts, visit Peggy.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Trusting in God's arms and Praising Him in the Storm (Fearfully Fabulous Friday & Then Sing My Soul Saturday)

Dear Friends,

Thanks for stopping by. This is my first time participating in Fearfully Fabulous Friday and Then Sing My Souls Saturday.

My friend, Jill, has kindly invited me to join her new Fearfully Fabulous Friday!

For Fearfully Fabulous Friday we can write or share pictures about the way we love the Lord, along with bible verses that help us draw closer to Him. Examples of how we are fearfully and fabulously made are GREAT! We can write about the miracle of birth, adoption and life! We can write about Creation! We can share photos of birth, adoption, and His creation!

I am thankful to God for giving us His Words and many encouraging writings of His beloved people.

I am thankful to God that He loves us and is in control of everything in our life. We are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. He is our Creator and He cares for us. In this life we shall have our share of ups and downs, happiness and sorrows, wellness and sickness. Our greatest assurance is God loves us and He is with us through them. He is lovingly working all things for His glory, our good and the good of His people.

Recently, I read a very encouraging devotional by CH Spurgeon and like to share with you too. Hope you will also find encouragement in it.

"On mine arm shall they trust." Isaiah 51:5

In seasons of severe trial, the Christian has nothing on earth that he can trust to, and is therefore compelled to cast himself on his God alone. When his vessel is on its beam-ends, and no human deliverance can avail, he must simply and entirely trust himself to the providence and care of God.

Happy storm that wrecks a man on such a rock as this! O blessed hurricane that drives the soul to God and God alone!

There is no getting at our God sometimes because of the multitude of our friends; but when a man is so poor, so friendless, so helpless that he has nowhere else to turn, he flies into his Father's arms, and is blessedly clasped therein!

When he is burdened with troubles so pressing and so peculiar, that he cannot tell them to any but his God, he may be thankful for them; for he will learn more of his Lord then than at any other time.

Oh, tempest-tossed believer, it is a happy trouble that drives thee to thy Father! Now that thou hast only thy God to trust to, see that thou puttest thy full confidence in him. Dishonor not thy Lord and Master by unworthy doubts and fears; but be strong in faith, giving glory to God. Show the world that thy God is worth ten thousand worlds to thee. Show rich men how rich thou art in thy poverty when the Lord God is thy helper. Show the strong man how strong thou art in thy weakness when underneath thee are the everlasting arms.

Now is the time for feats of faith and valiant exploits. Be strong and very courageous, and the Lord thy God shall certainly, as surely as he built the heavens and the earth, glorify himself in thy weakness, and magnify his might in the midst of thy distress. The grandeur of the arch of heaven would be spoiled if the sky were supported by a single visible column, and your faith would lose its glory if it rested on anything discernible by the carnal eye. May the Holy Spirit give you to rest in Jesus this closing day of the month.

(Taken from Morning and Evening, CH Spurgeon, Morning, 31 August)
How true it is that in times of severe trial we have nothing on earth that we can trust to, and is therefore compelled to cast ourselves on God alone. It is then that we are drawn nearer to God and to know His love and faithfulness in very real and personal ways.

O blessed hurricane that drives the soul to God and God alone!

For this reason, we can thank God for the trials, afflictions and difficulties we face in this world. All of these are working together for our good and God's glory.

Therefore we can rejoice in the Lord always because He loves us and He is in control of all things. May God deepens our love and devotion to Him, and make us useful in His Kingdom.

And we know that all things work together
for good to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to His purpose
... in all these things we are more than conquerors
through Him that loved us.
(Romans 8:28, 37)

My friend, Peggy, encouraged me to share this song and participate in Then Sing My Souls Saturday as it really suits the encouragement from God's Words above. Thanks, Peggy, for telling me about this song!

Praise You In This Storm

I was sure by now
God You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say "Amen", and it's still raining

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear Your whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

And I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
And every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when
I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to you
And you raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can't find You

But as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth

May God enable us to cling unto Him in difficult times and Praise Him in the Storms because He loves us and will see us safely through.

May you continue to know God's love and care in very special ways today and everyday!

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you have a blessed weekends!

For more participants of Fearfully Fabulous Friday, do Jill.

For more participants of Then Sing My Souls Saturday, do visit Amy.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Thankful Thursday : Trust His Heart

And we know that all things work together
for good to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to His purpose
... in all these things we are more than conquerors
through Him that loved us.
(Romans 8:28, 37)

Dear Friends,

Thanks for stopping by! Thanks for your prayers and encouragements.

♥ Today I am thankful to God as I reflect once again on His love and sovereignty throughout my life. I am thankful to God for His love for me and the way He has sustained and led me through the years ever since I know Him about 18 years ago.

♥ There have been many great challenges in my life in terms of my health, family, church, work, relationships. I am thankful to God for the assurance that He loves me and He is working all things for His glory and my good (Romans 8:28). Though I may not always understand why He allows certain things in my life, I can always trust in His love and sovereignty.

♥ Over the last 2 days I have been sharing about Emily and requested for prayers for her and family. Thanks for praying for Emily and her family.

I just read the latest update on Praying For Emily as at Wednesday 3rd Sept. There is an URGENT prayer request for Emily. Please join me in prayers, if you can. Earlier in the morning, Emily's sodium level was dropping and the doctors said this is critical. Please pray that the sodium level goes up, goes to normal level, and stabilize.

Thank God that by late morning at 11.54am 3rd Sept, Emily's sodium level went up a little bit. Please continue to pray that it consistently go up to the normal level and stabilize. The doctors (or nurses) now describe her condition as "holding" or "maintaining". That is good. Pray that the holding will move to improving and complete recovery. Thank you for praying with me for Emily and her family. Thank God for His goodness and mercies to them and all that love them.

Latest Updates:
Thank God for this latest update by Liza at 6:21pm 3rd September 2008:
1) Latest CT scan shows very slight reduction in swelling. That's good.
2) Sodium level is slowly going up. That's good.
Thank you for continuing to pray for complete healing and recovery.

♥ I am thankful to God that while visiting Praying For Emily, I saw this very encouraging video for the song "Trust His heart" which Liza posted on the website. This is the first time I heard the song and I was greatly uplifted. It ministered to me as I battle with a persistent chronic illness that threatens my life at times. During time of illness and struggles sometimes I question why I have to go through them. The longing to be with the Lord where there is no more suffering is so great. But after each of my recovery from my illness, I realized afresh that God has His purposes in my sufferings. He draws me closer to Him to know His love and mercies. He sanctifies me as He purges away the dross in my life so that I can grow in Him. I saw His mercies in using my suffering to give me a more compassionate heart and to feel for others who are suffering in one way or another. I became a partaker of their sufferings and it enables me to love them and pray for them, that being the least I can do.

I am thankful to God that through my sufferings with my illness, He led me to start this blog to share with other sufferers and their loved ones the goodness of God and the resources made available for our help and recovery. Thank God that providentially through this blog He has led me to know so many of you at Word-Filled Wednesday(WFW), Thankful Thursday (TT) and now the new Mission 4 Monday which Peggy just started on Monday. I am greatly blessed by God's goodness to you as you shared them with me. My life has never been more rich and blessed than this very moment! All praise and glory be to God! Thanks for sharing your friendship with me. Your prayers and encouragements are tokens of God's love for me and I greatly value it.

♥ I am thankful to God once again for providing precious people in my life ie. my family, church, friends and blogging friends who love and care for me in their very wonderful ways.

May this video encourages your heart too in remembrance of God's love and sovereignty. In the afflictions and trials of your life, may you cling unto His love and mercies, even if you can't understand many things. God is too good to be unkind, too wise to be mistaken, when we cannot trace His hand, we can always trust His heart.
Trust His Heart
Written by: Babbie Mason and Eddie Carswell

All things work for our good
though sometimes we can't see how they could
struggles that break our hearts in two
sometimes blinds us to the truth

Our Father knows what's best for us
His ways are not our own
So when your pathway grows dim, and you just can't see Him
Remember you're never alone

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His heart

He sees the master plan
And He holds our future in His hands
So don't live as those who have no hope
All our hope is found in Him

We see the present clearly
But He sees the first and the last
And like a tapestry He's weaving you and me to someday be just like Him

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His heart

He alone is faithful and true
He alone knows what is best for you
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand trust His heart

This video of "Trust His Heart" is posted on Youtube:

May you know God's love and care in very special ways today and everyday!

How about you? How has the Lord blessed you through the past week?

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you have a blessed and thankful day!

For more participants of Thankful Thursday, do visit Iris at Sting My Heart. It will be a very blessed and spiritually uplifting experience for you!

(I took this photo at Hort Park, Singapore)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday : Call unto me and I will answer thee

"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Jeremiah 33:3"

Thank God for giving us the privilege of prayers that we can come to Him and cast all our cares and anxieties upon Him knowing that He loves us and cares for us.

Thank God that He hears and answers our prayers according to His wills that is best for us. He often works in very wonderful ways, far beyond our expectations!

Thanks for your prayers for me, dear friends. Thank God for continuing to strengthen me daily.

I don't usually post long for WFW but today I would like to take this opportunity to requests your prayers for the following. Do join me in prayers, if you can.

1) Yesterday I shared about Emily and requested for prayers for her and family. Thanks for praying for Emily and her family.

For those of you who are not aware, my friend, Peggy, has just started a new meme on Monday called "Mission 4 Monday". The purpose of MISSION 4 MONDAY is to share YOUR MISSION each week. I am so thankful that I can participate in Mission 4 Monday. I posted my first Mission 4 Monday yesterday entitled "Trust during rough times".

While visiting Mission 4 Monday blogs, I came across Liza's Eyeview. Liza shared about her friend Emily who was hit by car last Wednesday afternoon. She was in a crosswalk, almost on the sidewalk, when a car suddenly struck her causing her to "fly" 40 to 45 feet unconscious and land on a curb!Emily suffered multiple fractures. When she first arrived at the emergency room, the initial prognosis was dim. Her case was called "severe".

Liza has kindly developed a new blog for Emily called Praying For Emily. Thank God that a surgery done on Saturday went well. Thank God that on Monday 1st Sept, the ventilator was successfully taken off so Emily is breathing on her own. Emily is off sedation although she is not fully conscious yet. She is being given morphine to help ease pain. Doctors are intending to remove her feeding tube. They would like to try feeding her and let her swallow on her own.

I just read the latest update as at Tuesday 2nd Sept. Thank God that Emily has regained consciousness and even spoke a few words! Praise God! Emily's mum, Linda, has written a very touching and beautiful testimony of God's goodness and mercies to them over the last one week since Emily's accident. Do read about it at Praying For Emily if you have time. You will be greatly encouraged.

I would like to request that we continue to keep Emily and her family in prayers during this trying time. May our gracious Lord Jesus Christ preserve and restore Emily according to His mercies and grace. May He grant the Doctors and other medical professionals much wisdom to treat Emily. May our good Lord also comfort and strengthen Emily's family and friends as they commit her to Him and look to Him together for Emily's preservation and restoration. May we unite our hearts in prayers and bring this family before our Heavenly Father's throne of grace as often as we can.

Do visit Praying For Emily for latest update and send your encouragements to this family, if you can. They need as much support as possible in this crucial time. May God continue to shower His love, mercies and comfort upon Emily, her family and friends.

2) Continue to pray for US and other places that are affected by typhoon and other natural disasters. Continue to pray also for Thailand and other places where there are riots, strike and other unrest. Pray that God will protect and preserve His children from harm and danger, and many unbelievers will turn to God in this time of crisis and find hope and salvation in God. Also pray that there will be peace upon the people and their countries, and all their needs being met in many wonderful ways.

Thank God for the privilege that we can pray for one another through all the changing scenes in life, knowing that God loves us and He will work His best for us. With God all things are possible. He is able to heal and restore us and provide for our every need. He may deliver us from danger or give us sufficient grace to sustain us in the afflictions and trials in life. May His will be done as we are fully assured that His will is always the best. May God's name be greatly magnified in the salvation of sinners and preservation of His people.

Thank you for praying with me!

May you continue to know God's everlasting love and goodness in many wonderful ways daily :)

For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, do
visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods. It will be a very blessed and encouraging experience for you.

Thank you for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements. Hope you have a blessed day!

(I took this picture near my home one one of my brisk walk session.)