Saturday, November 8, 2008

All things for good and Scottish Metrical Psalms - Psalm 147

Dear Friends,

Thanks for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements.

I am thankful to God for working all things for His glory and our good.

I just reread this short except and felt much encouraged to remember God's love and faithfulness in working all things for His glory and our good even when we don't understand it. Our faith is based on Truths that are revealed in the Words of God. God is unchanging and His Words stands forever.

Hope this excerpt taken from Thomas Watson’s “All Things For Good”, The Banner of Truth Trust, 1991, 1st Published 1663, pages 25 to 26 will encourage you too:

To know that nothing hurts the godly, is a matter of comfort; but to be assured that ALL things which fall out shall co-operate for their good, that their crosses shall be turned into blessings, that showers of affliction water the withering root of their grace and make it flourish more; this may fill their hearts with joy till they run over.

“We know.” It is not a matter wavering or doubtful. The apostle does not say, We hope, or conjecture, but it is like an article in our creed, WE KNOW that all things work for good.

Hence observe that the truths of the gospel are evident and infallible. A Christian may come not merely to a vague opinion but to a certainty of what he holds. The Spirit of God imprints heavenly truths upon the heart as with the point of a diamond.

We have arrived at a holy confidence. Let us not rest in scepticism or doubts, but labour to come to a certainty in the things of religion. It concerns us to be well grounded and confirmed in it.

So all God’s providences, being divinely tempered and sanctified, work together for the best of the saints. He who loves God and is called according to His purpose, may rest assured that every thing in the world shall be for his good.


“All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant” (Psalm 25:10). If every path has mercy in it, then it works for good.
May God enable us to praise Him always as we remember His love, goodness and mercies to us daily and how He is working all things for His glory and our good, and all His paths are mercy and truth.

From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD's name is to be praised. Psalm 113:3
(my friend, Sau, took this lovely picture at Saipan)

Hope you enjoy this lovely video on Psalm 147:1-11 posted on Youtube:

Psalm 147:1-11

1 Praise ye the Lord; for it is good
praise to our God to sing:
For it is pleasant, and to praise
it is a comely thing.

2 God doth build up Jerusalem;
and he it is alone
That the dispersed of Israel
doth gather into one.

3 Those that are broken in their heart,
and grievèd in their minds,
He healeth, and their painful wounds
he tenderly up-binds.

4 He counts the number of the stars;
he names them ev'ry one.
5 Great is our Lord, and of great pow'r;
his wisdom search can none.

6 The Lord lifts up the meek; and casts
the wicked to the ground.
7 Sing to the Lord, and give him thanks;
on harp his praises sound;

8 Who covereth the heav'n with clouds,
who for the earth below
Prepareth rain, who maketh grass
upon the mountains grow.

9 He gives the beast his food, he feeds
the ravens young that cry.
10 His pleasure not in horses' strength,
nor in man's legs, doth lie.

11 But in all those that do him fear
the Lord doth pleasure take;
In those that to his mercy do
by hope themselves betake.

Thanks for stopping by.

May God grant you a rested and refreshing weekend, and blessed Lord's day!

Take care.

Recent Posts:

My Homemade Gifts

A Tribute to my Counsellor in remembrance of her

Lesson from a Storm - the voice of Jesus in the Storm

Enjoying Nature and Photography (Thankful Thursday)

Finding meaning in helping others and loving them with God's love

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thank God for the joy of serving Him

Dear Friends,

Thanks for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements.

Thank God for seeing us through another week.

♥ I am so thankful to God for giving me the joy of enjoying nature and photography. About 1 year ago I began brisk-walking for health purposes. By God's grace, I began to enjoy flowers, plants, birds, nature, etc in many wonderful ways. I started to use a digital camera to capture some of these beauties of God's creations. They remind me of what a mighty God we serve!

♥ I am thankful to God that I can serve Him by making some Homemade Gifts for my friends as well as to sell on my Homemade Bookmarks, Cards and Gifts website:

If you are interested to purchase some of these gifts for yourself, your family or friends, please do not hesitate to visit my Homemade Gifts website and email me at

If you know of some friends who may be interested to purchase these gifts, please forward my website to them. Thanks!

Here are some samples of the Homemade Gifts that I am selling. Just click at the picture to go to the link on my website:



Calendars 2009

Homemade Bookmarks with English Bible verses:

1) Bookmarks with English Bible Verses (Flowers)

2) Bookmarks with English Bible Verses (Animals)

3) Bookmarks with English Bible Verses (Sceneries)

4) Long Bookmarks with English Bible Verses (Animals)

5) Long Bookmarks with English Bible Verses (Sceneries)

Homemade Bookmarks with Chinese Bible verses:

1) Bookmarks with Chinese Bible Verses

Homemade Bookmarks with General wordings:

2) Bookmarks with General Wordings

Buy Homemade Bookmarks:

Pricing and Ordering Details

Buy Homemade Cards with

1) English Bible Verses
2) English Bible Verses - Sets of 5 Cards each (special offer)
3) Chinese Bible Verses

Buy Homemade Calendars for 2009

1) Hanging Calendar 2009

2) Table Calendar
2009 (coming soon!)

3) Planners for 2009 (coming soon!)

Thank God that I can have the joy of serving Him in little ways like these.

♥ I am thankful to God for providing precious people in my life ie. my family, church, friends and blogging friends who love and care for me in their very wonderful ways. These are tokens of God's love for me and I treasure very much.

♥ I am thankful to God once again for all of you, my dear blogging friends and visitors. I have been so greatly blessed by all of you and I thank God upon every remembrance of you. It is wonderful to read of how God is guiding and blessing you in your walk with our Lord and it encourages me in my walk with God too. Thanks again for your prayers and encouragements.

May God continue to bless you with His love and mercies in many wonderful ways every day :)

For more participants of Thankful Thursday, do visit Iris.

Thank you for stopping by. Take care and may God continue to bless you through this week!

Recent Posts:

A Tribute to my Counsellor in remembrance of her

Lesson from a Storm - the voice of Jesus in the Storm

Enjoying Nature and Photography (Thankful Thursday)

Finding meaning in helping others and loving them with God's love

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A tribute to my Counsellor in remembrance of her

Dear Friends

Thanks for stopping by. Thank you for your prayers and encouragements.

Today the Lord brought to my remembrance a very dear and wonderful person whom He had used to be a great blessing to me last year.

When I first sought medical help and was diagnosed with clinical depression and Bipolar Disorder (Manic-depressive illness), I had benefitted from a group of counsellors at Counselling and Care Centre, Singapore. I am thankful to God for providing me with a team of very compassionate, kind, understanding and encouraging Christian counsellors who are trained to manage bipolar, depression, OCD and other brain condition.

For me besides prayers, medication, exercise and other helpful means, one very important element in my treatment and recovery was Counselling. Counselling may be talk therapy, psychotherapy or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. It can be one of the very important tools for a person with bipolar or depression to get well. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a form counselling with a focus on understanding how our thoughts affect our behaviours. Bipolar alternates between 2 extreme mood swings ie. mania and depression, and our thoughts and behaviours are shaped by these mania and depression episodes which can at times be very confusing. CBT helps to make sense some of these confusions, and help to pick up skills to manage these mood swings so that one can be more functional.

Through CBT, I do realized that I have quite a number of character traits and faulty thought patterns which might have contributed or aggravated my relapses. They become even predominant during a relapse of clinical depression and all my thoughts turned very negative and against me. I am now learning prayerfully to identify and to correct Faulty Thinking Patterns.

I am also somewhat a perfectionist which means my expectation of myself can be rather high, and indirectly I stressed myself up unknowingly. Besides that, I am not a very assertive person. I have problem saying “no”. So very often I unknowingly put myself through a lot of difficulties or take on more than I can handle. I used to have difficulty relaxing or taking breaks. In some sense, I am a workaholic. I am also fulfilling the role of care-givers in quite a number of context, and having little respite. All of the above or the combinations of some of these, could well have weakened my body and mind, and lead to the relapses of clinical depressions.

I know it is not easy to find a good counsellor and not every one will benefit from counselling or CBT. I am thankful to God for providing for me a very compassionate, kind and caring counsellor, Sarah. My time with my counsellor, Sarah and her team, was most meaningful and useful. Sarah and her team were helping me to trace the history of my relapses in the past 20 years which I could remember better, the possible causes of them so that I can learn to manage my illness better. During the counselling session, I was alone in a room with Sarah while her team were following our sessions in another room through a video recording. These are with my permissions.

In actual fact, Sarah was under training and supervision by her team but I didn't know that part at all. And providentially that worked out good for both of us. I have prayed and God provided Sarah. I didn't have any apprehension about her ability to counsel me and that allows her to be used by God in a very wonderful way to help me.

My time with Sarah became life-changing experiences for me! It began for me a journey of self-discovery, of knowing God, myself and others better. Each session with Sarah and her team have yielded some positive results. Accumulatively, these knowledge of self and God’s mercies in them, are changing my life in many wonderful ways. Thank God! My counselling session ended in April 2007 when Sarah who was a trainee at that Centre completed her training. I am deeply indebted to Sarah for the help that she has rendered to me. They have been invaluable to me as I journey on.

At the moment, I am not seeing any professional counsellers. I do seek my Pastor’s counsel and some other friends or family members’ counsels when necessary. I also read books and internet articles to understand my condition better and how best to manage it. Thank God that there are a lot of resources available on the internet. One such website is Bipolar and Depression Support Alliance which has very useful information on symptoms, treatment, resources, etc etc.

I have tried out some other counsellors and am, in particular, indebted to Dr Spencer Lee and Yvonne Ying of Association of Christian Counsellors of Singapore for their valuable helps for some weeks in July and August 2007. They are most compassionate and helpful.

The above counsellors are all trained in cognitive behavioural therapy, etc and they have been helping many people who suffer from depression, bipolar and other mental illnesses. The reasons why I sought their help, besides receiving pastoral counselling from my Pastor, was because I needed someone who understands mental illness and therefore able to help me to manage my illness and symptoms. I am thankful to God for providing them at such times when I needed them the most.

Now I am not seeing any of these professional counsellors but just receiving pastoral counsellings from my Pastor, elders and brethren in my church. I am learning to look to God and use other available means too ie reading God’s Words, prayers, medications, regular exercise, Omega-3 fish oil supplements, learning to manage stressful situations in my life, learn to pace myself more slowly and realistically, learn to take breaks and to relax whenever necessary, etc.

I have written 2 emails to Sarah and a tribute to her as follows:


Dear Sarah,

Warm greetings to you in the name of our merciful Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ!

Just a short note to thank you and your team for the help and support you are giving me as I seek the Lord’s guidance to understand and manage my condition better. I really appreciate what you are doing to help me. Your sincerity and warmth really touched my heart. Though we have met only for 3 sessions so far, I thank God that I have been helped by every one of the session. I appreciate what we have been able to discuss so far and the way you & your team are helping me to see things from a different angle. I am learning to be more thankful daily!

I thank God for His goodness and mercies in leading me to your centre and placing me under you and your team. The care and helpfulness of all of you and the other staffs at your centre really impressed me. Thank God for using all of you to help me and others who are in need of help.

May God continue to use you, your team and all the staff at Counselling and Care Centre for His glory. May all of you continue to be used in many wonderful ways to help others and especially God’s suffering people. I am praying for all of you too.

Many thanks again for your enthusiasm to help me and your prayers. It is one of the factors that gives me a lot of encouragement and motivation to come for the sessions. I thank God for you. May you continue to serve our Lord joyfully and faithfully for His glory.

Wish you and your family a blessed Chinese New Year.

With sincere thanks & prayers,
15 February 2007


Sarah’s reply to me:

Dear Nancie,

Warm greetings to you too in the name of our loving and gracious Saviour, Lord Jesus!

Thank you very much for your lovely, thoughtful and heartwarming email. I am touched by your gracious gesture. It is a privilege to be used by God to extend His presence for His precious ones. And you’ve been a great joy to come alongside with. I thank God too for you and for giving me this privilege.

I am greatly encouraged to hear that you have been helped through our sessions. Your words give me impetus to continue and persevere in the work with and for others in the offering of presence and support .

Thank you for praying for us and your continual prayer support is much appreciated. Glad to hear that you have experienced the help of prayers. Indeed, our Lord is the source and the enabler of all we do. All praise and glory to Him!

I shall relay your email to my team. I am sure each one will be encouraged by your words.

Wishing you and your family a Blessed Chinese New Year too.

With grateful thanks and prayers
21 February 2007


Dear Sarah,

Thanks for your kind and encouraging reply! Glad that the email has encouraged you. Thank God.

May you and your colleagues continue to press on in the good work that you are doing for God’s glory. I know your work can be very difficult and draining at times. I am glad you work in a team and can discuss and pray with your colleagues. Do take care and may our Lord continue to bless your labours in Him. May you continue to find much joy in helping and supporting others.

Looking forward to see you again soon on Monday, 26th Feb 2007 for our next session! Trust our Lord will continue to bless our time together. Many thanks again for all your help and support.

“For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.” Hebrews 6:10

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9

With appreciation,

A Tribute to my Counsellor, Sarah

16 April 2007 was my last session with my Counsellor, Sarah because she has ended her training attachment and will be returning to her actual work. I am grateful to God for placing me under Sarah’s care for the last 3 months (since 29 January 2007). I would like to express my deep appreciation and gratefulness to Sarah for helping me to embark on a new journey in my life which is changing my life and my relationships with God and the people in my life in many wonderful ways. Sarah, I will never never forget you. I thank God always for you. I hope you get to read this Tribute I have written especially for you. May God bless and keep you.

Dear Sarah,

Warm greetings to you in the name of our beloved Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ!

Thanks once again for your prayers, listening ears, counsels and encouragements. I have learnt much from our sessions together in the last 3 months. Thank you for your willingness to help me and to go along this journey of self-discovery with me. I will forever thank and praise God for you and your team in the way our Lord is wonderfully using you to help me.

I am thankful to God for causing our paths to cross in such a wonderful way at Counselling and Care Centre during your training sessions there. Surely this is not by coincidence but by God’s providence that I should be seeking help at this particular point of time and you should be under attachment there.

I am grateful to God for hearing my prayers and provided someone like you who is very gentle, caring, sympathetic and encouraging to be my Counsellor. You always see something positive and encouraging that God is doing in all my difficult trials. You constantly seek to help me to see the many mysterious outworking of our faithful God, Who loves us dearly and gave His Son for us, in the various paths I have gone through in the past or are going through now. You have helped me to discover some faulty patterns in my thoughts and feelings which have affected my life and various relationships for so many years. Thanks for slowly helping me to recognise these faulty thought patterns, and change these faulty ways of thinking to more biblical ways, by God’s grace. These are beginning to have such tremendous effects on my life, my relationship with God and others around me. I am thankful to God for providing such a help in you and your willingness to walk through this difficult journey with me. By God’s grace, each session yields some positive outcome. Accumulatively, these new discoveries of self and God’s mercies in them, is beginning to change my life in many wonderful ways. I do look forward to each session with you because I get to know myself better each time, can see more clearer God’s love, mercies and faithfulness and am enabled to improve in my relationships with various people, and also learning to improve in managing the various challenges in my life. Thank God for His mercies and faithfulness!

I trust that when you return to your actual work environment, God will continue to use you to be a blessing to others in need just like the way you have been to me. I have no doubt at all that they will be blessed as I am in their acquaintance with you. You are a very special person who is always gentle, kind, encouraging, uplifting, full of faith and hopeful in the Lord. I will never never forget you and hopefully, by the grace of God, will never forget the precious lessons I am now learning through our sessions together too.

Thank you for sharing my joy and sorrows as I recounted my past history to you. I could sense the deep anguish and pain you feel for me in all my sorrows and trials, and also your delight and joy with me in all my joy. I felt very privilege that you cared for me in this way and I thank God for your kind friendship. It is a tremendous source of strength and support to me in this difficult trial. I know you are praying with me and I want to encourage you, as well as give praise and Glory to God, for His faithfulness and mercies by assuring you that the Lord in His faithfulness is strengthening me each day as I look to Him. Thanks for helping me to identify some of the possible causes of the relapses of my illness and discuss with me how I can better manage them. The many precious lessons we have learnt together in the past months is helping me now to cope better with my illness, with the various challenges in my life, and improve in my relationship with God, my church, my family and people around me. Praise God!

It was hard for me to say goodbye to you yesterday, being our last session together but I know it was necessary in God’s sovereign plan for us. I wish we can remain as friends and keep in touch always. But as you have explained to me that due to some professional ethics, yours and my contacts have to be restricted to this centre and as yesterday was our last session together, our contacts have to terminate there too. I hope I will get to meet you again one day, if God wills, on this earth or if not then, by His mercies, in Heaven when we both see our Lord face to face.

Please take care. I will remember you in my prayers always. May God keep you in His loving care always and bless you in all your various callings. May He continue to make you a blessing and encouragement to His suffering children.

With sincere thanks and prayers,
17 April 2007


Contact Information for Counselling Helps

i) Counselling & Care Centre
Block 536 Upper Cross Street
#05-241 Hong Lim Complex
Singapore 050536
Tel: (65) 6536-6366
Fax: (65) 6536-6356
Email :
Webwsite :

ii) Association of Christian Counsellors of Singapore
c/o 422-A Telok Blangah Road
Singapore 098848 (Near Grace Methodist Church)
Tel: 6274-7480 Fax: 62760024


My Coping Strategies:

1. Looking to God

2. Accepting the diagnosis

3. Medical Helps

4. Balance lifestyle

4a. Exercise

4b. Omega-3 fish oil supplements

5. Research and readings

6. Mood tracking and Journalling

7. Learning to cope with stress and challenges

8. Leisure, hobbies and recreations

9. Support Network (family, church, friends, etc)

10. Counselling / Talk Therapy

11. Correcting faulty thoughts patterns

Related Posts:

About depression, bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness) and mental illness or mood disorders:
1. About bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness)
2. Myths and Facts on Mental Illness
3. Treatment of bipolar disorder
4. Various pamphlets and articles on bipolar disorder for sufferer and carer
5. Recovery steps for depression and bipolar disorder or manic-depressive illness

For friends and carers:
1. Helping someone with mood disorder
2. Family and Friends' Guide to Recovery from Depression and Bipolar Disorder
3. How Carers and Friends can help

Other recent related posts:

1. Trust during rough times
2. Finding meaning in a life with bipolar disorder
3. Mental illness (depression, bipolar disorder, etc) is an illness like any other
4. Video on "Depression - A Stubborn Darkness"

Thanks again for stopping by and your encouragements. May God grant you a very blessed week!

Take care.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Lessons from a storm - the voice of Jesus in the storm

Dear Friends,

Thanks for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements.

I am thankful to God that I can continue to serve Him through this blog. One of my mission is to encourage others by sharing God's goodness and blessings and also encouragements from God's Words.

Trust you have had a good weekend :-)

I am very thankful to God for blessing my worship and fellowship in church yesterday. I was greatly ministered to by the Word of God. A visiting minister from Australia, Pastor Coleborn, spoke to us on "Lessons from a Storm" (Matthew 14:22-33).

Matthew 14:22-33 is the passage on how one day the disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ found themselves in the midst of a storm. They were in a ship in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves. It was surely a very frightening experience. Our Lord Jesus Christ came in their hour of need and fear and assured them of His presence with them. He said those very comforting words in verse 27 "Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid." Then the Lord recounted to us the well-known passage on how Peter walked on the water when he saw the Lord. But along the way when Peter saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, "Lord, save me" v30. And immediately our Lord Jesus Christ stretched forth his hand, and caught Peter, and said unto him, "O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" v31. The Lord then calmed the storm.

Pastor Coleborn exhorted on the following 3 encouraging points:

1. There are storms in our life.

In life we may face various challenges, difficulties and troubles. These are part and parcel of living in a fallen world.

We experience stress, disappointment, quarrels, sicknesses, deaths, etc.

We also have remaining corruptions in us and various temptations to sin which we battle with daily.

The storms in our life are real.

There will be storms in our personal life, our family, our work, our church and even when serving God faithfully. So even the disciples found themselves in a storm one day.

2. But we are not alone.

The One Who is Mighty comes among us and is able to keep us and care or us and watch over us.

He sees all that we are going through and He has never leave us even for a moment (Hebrews 13:5).

3. There is a Mighty Helping Hand with us.

Peter cried out to the Lord to help him when he was sinking (v30).

Likewise, we must learn to cry out to the Lord in our troubles. Our Lord is able to help us. He can calm any storms in our life.

Our Lord Jesus Christ has died on the cross to give us peace, good will and good cheer. He has overcome the world and death. His death is not in vain!

We need to look beyond our troubles and our difficulties to the One Who is in control and Who has the power to calm every storm.

When we forget the Lord and see only our circumstances then we will find ourselves sinking like Peter.

Thank God for this very comforting and encouraging sermon. How thankful I am that the Lord is with me in the storms of my life which are many!

I am thankful to God for the assurance that He has loved me with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3.

He has promised that He will never leave me nor forsake me (Hebrews 13:5).

He bids me to come to Him when I am weary and laden of sins and burdens in this life (Matthew 11:28-30).

He promised that His grace is sufficient for me (2 Corinthians 12:9).

In His mercies, He is working all things for His glory and my good even when I don't see it or understand it that way (Romans 8:28).

I am thankful to God for the comfort of His Words and His presence with me daily. Thank God that He gives me great joy in waking up each morning, to commune with Him and to live for Him and serve Him.

Are you going through some difficulties right now? Are you facing terrible storms in your life? Fear not, the Lord is with you! Call upon Him and He is able to work His ways for you or preserve you through the storms so that you will emerged more than a conqueror through Him Who loved you and died on the cross for you.

May we continue to find God our refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1) at all times and especially during the storms in our life. May we know more and more of His love, mercies and faithfulness. May He deepens our love and devotions to Him each day and enable us to live gratefully for Him and serve Him joyfully all the days of our life until He calls us home to be with Himself where there will be no more tears, sicknesses, pains, sufferings, etc.

For more Mission 4 Monday posts, visit Peggy.

Thank you once again for stopping by. Take care and may God grant you a very blessed week!

Matthew 14
22 And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitudes away.

23 And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.

24 But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary.

25 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.

26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.

27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

28 And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.

29 And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.

30 But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.

31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

32 And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased.

33 Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Enjoying nature and photography : My therapeutic hobbies

Dear Friends,

Thanks for stopping by. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements.

♥ I am so thankful to God that I am able to go for an outing today with 2 church friends. We went to Changi Airport to see some flowers exhibition. We had a good time of fellowship.

♥ Thank God for the joy of enjoying His creations. God's creations always remind me of His majesty and power. He Who creates us will also take care of us.

♥ Thank God for giving me the joy of photography and to be able to capture some of the beauties of God's creations. These are the flowers I took at the exhibition today.

♥ Thank God for His love for us and His instructions to us on how we are to reflect His love in 1 Corinthians 13.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (KJV)

4 Charity suffereth long,
and is kind;
charity envieth not;
charity vaunteth not itself,
is not puffed up,
5 Doth not behave itself unseemly,
seeketh not her own,
is not easily provoked,
thinketh no evil;
6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity,
but rejoiceth in the truth;
7 Beareth all things,
believeth all things,
hopeth all things,
endureth all things.
8 Charity never faileth:

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (NIV)

4 Love is patient,
love is kind.
It does not envy,
it does not boast,
it is not proud.
5 It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
6 Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.
7 It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.
8 Love never fails.

May God continue to bless you with His love in many wonderful ways every day :)

For more participants of Thankful Thursday, do visit Iris.

Thank you for stopping by. Take care and may God continue to bless you through this week!